
Healthy Kids First: What’s Inside Your Pantry?

By Mandy Curry on July 27, 2013 from Healthy Kids First via

Is your pantry a healthy safe haven or a recipe for disaster?  A cluttered house has actually been linked to weight gain.  Could the same be true for a cluttered pantry?  If your pantry is out of control, it’s likely that your eating habits are as well. 
Last month, I opened up my pantry and created a video on “how to keep a well stocked pantry with kids.”  Intimidating?  Oh yes!
An organized pantry is really motivating and an important component in healthy eating.  In fact, the pantry is generally one of the first places a child will go for snacks, so having healthy options on hand is really important.   Full bags of chips and cookies within range will just foster poor eating habits and make it way too easy for kids to overeat.  
If you’re looking to improve your healthy eating habits, the pantry is a good place to start. 
In this video I open the door to our pantry, share the essentials to keeping a healthy pantry, and give tips on how to make it kid-friendly.  Enjoy!
Click HERE to watch the video.

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