
Off the Shelf: Books to Help You Achieve Those New Year's Resolutions

By Connect-Bridgeport Staff on January 04, 2017 from Off the Shelf via

With all those good resolutions made for the New Year, don’t forget your library as one way to help you achieve them.  It is a perfect place to get started on any number of projects from losing weight to interior design.  If one of your goals is to pay off all those bills from Christmas, the library has shelves of books on how to cut costs, invest wisely, and plan for the future.  Besides how could you be more economical than to borrow books, DVDs and audio books from your library rather than spend your hard-earned cash for them? 
The book collection with its 100,000 plus volumes can offer you all sorts of money-saving motivations and resolve-toughening ideas.  For instance, I yanked all the following books off of the bookshelves in minutes that are bound to help someone reach their goals.  Parents will find advice for dealing with the day-to-day challenges of kids with “It’s A Boy: Understanding Your Son’s Development from Birth to Age 18,” or “The Highly Intuitive Child: A Guide to Understanding and Parenting Unusually Sensitive and Empathic Children.”  Also there are books to deal with the practical such as “How to Get Your Child to Love Reading” or “The Everything Parents Guide to Dealing with Bullying.”
Speaking of the practical is Popular Mechanics “75 Tools Every Man Needs and How to Use Them like a Pro” with just the right help when you are fixing a leaking faucet or trying to figure out what tools will accomplish the job.  People who are looking for jobs must browse through newest edition of the best-selling, job-hunting book in the world, “What Color is Your Parachute?” or visit the regular shelves for the section packed with resume books.  And anyone considering a trip will want to borrow the latest Fodor guidebook.
For those planning a wedding, the library is a great place to start not only for the scrumptious books on picking the right dress or arranging spectacular flowers, but also for the basic rules of the occasion such as “Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette.”  And don’t forget the shelves of decorating and home project books as well as the gardening and landscaping volumes.  It might seem early, but spring will be here sooner than expected.
And for those who decided that this is the year to eat healthy and lose weight, the library has dozens of shelves packed with books to make that resolution a little easier to keep.
So whether it is dieting, home repair, parenting, money or career goals that you have set for yourself this year, make it easier with a visit to your library.

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