
The Grapevine: The Second Time Around is Better and Cards from Friends

By Rosalyn Queen on April 03, 2017 from The Grapevine via

Somewhere along the line I heard that the "second time around is better."  I think about this statement and it applies to some things and then to some it does not. But this past week it applied to a little task I had undertaken in this move.  The reason it is taking me so long to get settled in our new home is that I am touching about everything that is getting unpacked.
This week I ran across a box of several hundred cards that I received while going through my sickness. I think that I have shared with you that I have kept cards that I received back in 1958 and so it was not any different for me to keep these cards. I have a lovely little sun room in my house and the morning that I decided to handle these cards was nice and sunny and the ideal place to do this task was in the sun room.
As I unpacked each card, I opened it up and read every message in them.  Somehow it had slipped my memory all the beautiful and kind words that were sent my way.  The highlight of my week was being able to read them again and this time know what all the wonderful messages meant.  I know that last year I opened each card, as I received it, and read them but the second time around, meant so much more to me.  There were cards from close associates, friends and family.  Some individuals sent me a card weekly.  Not only did I read the hand-written message, but the verse inside each card let me know that it was chosen with care, just for me.
Believe me some time in the near future, I will get them out again and enjoy them as much as I did this week.  I would like to mention everyone who sent a card, but I will not but I will thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.  If you thought it was important to have let me know you were thinking about me last year, it was just as important for me to be able to take the time to read these messages again. I urge each of you to continue to send cards and messages to those who need a bright spot in their day.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  The second time around is better and just think there might be a third and a fourth time.
As you might imagine, the move is not done and I am sure there are many more boxes that will take an entire afternoon to go through but I look forward to utilizing my sun room for this task.  Another very interesting little job was going through the boxes of toiletries that we have collected in our travels.  It was a little harder to identify just what hotel each bottle of shampoo and lotion came from, but they did bring back a lot of memories.  I boxed all these up and sent them to the mission to be used there. Some where I read that shower caps are great for placing under potted plants to keep the water from staining your furniture, so I kept several of them to use on my two potted plants
An East View neighbor, the former Esther Painter, is participating in a project to call awareness to the pro-life movement.  She is asking each of us to participate in this project by purchasing a pair of baby socks.   Send one to Baby Socks, Life Issue Institute, 1821 Gabraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45239. Keep the other sock in your possession as a reminder.  Mail by April 17.  They will be on display in Washington on April 25, 2017.
While making a trip to the ER at the VA hospital I learned that there is a flu epidemic going around.  I hope that each of you will stay away from crowds and that you will wear masks when necessary.  I have been told that this is a bad strain of the flu and that even if you did get the flu shot you still might be able to contact it. Be vigilant and take care of yourself.
I was so sorry to learn of the passing of Maggie Morgan.  We worked on so many projects together and her name was synonymous with the Duck Race. I also send condolences to the Skidmore and Jones families.
We have just a couple more weeks to see if we are going to get that Easter snow, but if not, here comes Spring.
Take care, keep in touch with me and be sure to get your Easter Bread. Until next week "Now You Have Heard It Through The Grapevine."

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