The Grapevine: Celebrating a Birthday and Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Rosalyn Queen on October 17, 2017 via

This past week I observed my 78th birthday.
When I think of that number, it seems pretty old. Then I think about all thing wonderful events and people God has brought into my life and it does not seem too old.
There is one subject that I think I should address. As most of you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everywhere you look there will be pink to observe this month. There will be many fundraisers this month with the proceeds being donated to many breast related treatments and services.
It was a little over two years ago that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. In July of that year, I received a call from my family doctor that it was time for my yearly mammogram. When. I received the call I was getting ready to leave on a month long cruise to Europe. I told the doctor that I would take care of it when I got back.  However, I was advised that the appointment had been made for the next day and that I should
Well, I did go the next day and left the day after for a month of new experiences and wonderful tours. When I returned home I saw that the hospital and doctors office had called.  When I contacted them, I was told that I needed further testing.
Further testing showed that I had a tumor and that I would need a biopsy surgery. In the end, I was diagnosed with stage three aggressive cancer.  I then had to experience a year of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. As of today, I'm doing well and give all of the credit for my recovery to God and my wonderful doctors and their staff.
I am now trying to take a drug that will help prevent the cancer from returning. I do not know that I will ever return to my old self. The fatigue and joint pain continues and I pray for the day when I will wake up and these symptoms will be gone.  But I am alive and I have a great story to tell about early detection and recovery.
I forgot to mention that it had only been a year and a day since my last mammogram when I was diagnosed.  I was feeling great at the time and loving life.  So it is very important to schedule and keep an annual mammogram.
What is the purpose of me bringing this message to you? I want you to know how important it is to get a yearly mammogram. I feel I owe my life to my family doctor and all those who took such great care of me and especially all those who prayed for me.
At the time I was diagnosed there were four other women who were diagnosed and several of my male friends were receiving treatments.  They have all passed. Cancer is such a deadly disease and as my doctor told me at the beginning "you are not in control, there is someone bigger than you or me." I have accepted this and I have tuned it over to my God so that I can accept each day as I am here to welcome it.
So wear your pink ribbon all this month!  Remember to get your mammogram and urge all the women in your life to do the same.  And remember that early detection substantially increases your chances of survival.
Take care, keep in touch and until next week,"Now You Have Heard It Through The Grapevine."

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