
Bridgeport High School Alum Heather Bell Shows Power as Morgantown Vixens Roller Derby Captain

By Trina Runner on August 16, 2015 via

For fans of the Power Rangers, you may remember the evil villain, Rita Repulsa.  When Bridgeport High School Alum Heather Bell was thinking of a derby name for herself, it seemed the perfect fit to use the famous villain’s name so that she could be “feared on the track,” said Bell.  Roller Derby, after all, is an intense sport that may look like organized chaos on the track, but is actually a team working seamlessly together to score points.
Bell began her unlikely adventure as a member of the Morgantown Roller Vixens during a transitional period of her life.  After dabbling in a couple of directions educationally, Bell wanted to regain focus both personally and in her education.  She moved to Morgantown and, after losing weight, discovered a passion for exercise.  She changed her major to Exercise Science with a minor in Chemistry and began seeking other aspects of her life in which to apply to concepts.
Following a decision to get more involved socially, Bell sought out the Vixens, who represented strong, athletic women.  “There’s a quote by one of the top skaters in the roller derby community that makes perfect sense to me,” said Bell.  “Bonnie Stroir said, ‘Most seem to find roller derby in transitional periods.  We ruin our bodies to save our souls.’  That resonated with Bell during her transitional period and has led to her being the team’s captain and also skating for the West Virginia All Stars, a team make up of the best players in the state.
In roller derby, Bell has found a second family.  “These women support me on and off the track,” she said.  She has been part of the team for two years and the Vixens recently became part of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, an international governing body for the sport.  This will allow them to compete with teams across the country and even the world.
Made up of wives, mothers, teachers, doctors and nurses, the skaters may not conjure up the stereotypical image of a roller derby skater.  On the track, however, they are a force to be reckoned with.  Off the track, they have helped Bell become a stronger leader and gain confidence.  “Since roller derby, I am happy to have my voice heard and take charge.  I love the competitiveness of the sport, but I also love how it challenges me to be personally stronger.”
The Morgantown Roller Vixens skate at Mylan Park in Morgantown and in Skate World in Bridgeport. It is a family-friendly sport that draws crowds from the entire region.  The schedule is available at 

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