
It's Happening: We Are Family: The Love Behind the Fallen Stars 5K

By Julie Perine on June 19, 2016 via

Editor's Note: Who did you run the Fallen Stars 5K with? Please comment on this blog and/or send your photos as a family or group to 
One by one, 409 5K participants crossed the finished line at the entrance to Bridgeport City Park. Many were serious runners and as the minutes ticked by, along came slower-paced joggers and speed walkers followed by those leisurely strolling – some even behind baby strollers. Regardless of their speed, each adult and child who completed the fifth annual Derek Hotsinpiller Fallen Stars Memorial 5K was on a mission. Sure, he or she was on a mission to complete the challenging course, but this race was about a whole lot more than that.
Pam Hotsinpiller said she could certainly feel it.  
“There was a level of pride and respect, said the mother of race honoree Derek Hotsinpiller and of event co-organizer Dustin Hotsinpiller. “There weren’t even any empty water bottles or trash to pick up afterwards.”
It’s been five years since 24-year-old Deputy U.S. Marshal Derek Hotsinpiller was fatally wounded by a gunshot fired during service of a warrant in Elkins. Derek was born and raised in our city. He was a Bridgeport High School athlete; son and brother of Bridgeport Police Department personnel and he, too, had chosen a selfless line of work; one which served and protected others. The community embraced the family and when they decided to establish a scholarship fund to financially support others entering law enforcement careers, friends and citizens continued to rally behind them.
There are other fundraisers, but the Annual Derek Hotsinpiller Fallen Stars Memorial 5K is the main effort behind the scholarship, which including those awarded this year on race day, has assisted 38 area students to pursue college education in law enforcement and criminal justice fields. Initially, recipients receive $500 for their first semester and if they continue in the area of study and make the grade requirements, they continue to receive $500 per semester with a $4,000 cap per student.
Olivia Eubanks, who his fall will enter her senior year of criminal justice studies at Fairmont State, said the scholarship has been very valuable to her and that, for the most part, it has paid for all of her books.
Those receiving the scholarship this year were Justin Richter and Jennifer Chalfont, both BHS graduates; Jessica Clelland, from Grafton High School ; Ciara Hornberger, from Fairmont Senior; Emily Skidmore, from Lincoln High; Corey Fox of South Harrison High; Jared Cline, a Jefferson High graduate and Fred Fredrick, a current law enforcement officer attending Fairmont State.
Pam said she continues to be amazed and humbled by the community support - from the vast number of businesses which financially get behind the effort to each and every runner and walker. Trophies and medals are up for grabs – and that is a fun and challenging incentive for those who train for the annual event. But the incentive for this particular race is about taking part in something they believe in: To honor the memory of Derek and all fallen law enforcement officers - and to encourage those who serve us day after day. 
Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, fathers and sons, co-workers and church groups and even entire families completed the race together. The Grace family – Ken, Carolyn and their trio of little girls – sported official Fallen Stars T-shirts from 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. (See above left.)
Not only did Chris, Diane and Timmy Kinney all participate, but they all walked away medalists – Chris and Diane in their respective age groups – and Timmy as the grand champion of the entire race. (See left.)
The Lunsford family - Teresa, Dave, Zachary and Matthew - also crossed the finish line together. (See below right.)
Typically, Tim, Shawn, Luke and Rachel Morgan participate on “the family plan” too. This year, Rachel was tied up with other plans, but she still put her miles in for Derek that week. Many others completed a 5K – about 3.1 miles – on their own time and place in Derek’s honor. Megan and Caleb Beam ran in Mexico, retired U.S. Marshals Service Director Stacia Hylton ran in South Carolina, a friend of Pam’s ran in California and her niece ran in Virginia.
Pam is running another race too. She is quite outspoken about her Christian faith and pursues every opportunity to help fellow believers mature in their faith and learn the word. She chose a prayer which was read prior to the June 11 race, asking God’s protection over all who serve their communities and country through law enforcement. Based on Psalm 91.
Many police officers run the 5K annually and in the spirit of the law enforcement brotherhood, compete in a special competition – “Top Cop” - set up just for them.
One of those law enforcers, Carlton Smith - a West Virginia University police officer - kicked off last Saturday’s race by delivering a beautiful rendition of The National Anthem. So many people served as unsung heroes in the organization and logistics of that race. There were those behind the registration table, those who sat up tents with specialty services offered inside, those who worked computers and posted results, those took pictures, served as announcers and donated water and food for the runners. I could go on and on. And because of all of you, this race goes on and on too.
I’ve said it before: That’s what tight-knit communities do. God bless the Hotsinpiller family. We are all blessed to call you “family.” 
Top two photos and photo of the Morgan family (right) by Ben Queen Photography. See hundreds of images HERE
See race results HERE
The video below features the gunshot start. Video is by Jon Griffith. 
See the video of top finishers HERE
Julie Perine can be reached at 304-848-7200, or follow @JuliePerine on Twitter. 
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