
Local Entrepreneurs and Civic Organizations Celebrate National DECA Month at BHS

By Trina Runner on November 12, 2016 via

November is National DECA Month and Bridgeport High School DECA is determined to spread the word about the benefits of careers in entrepreneurship, finance, marketing and management.  Bridgeport Mayor Bob Greer will be issuing a proclamation of National DECA Month at Monday evening’s City Council Meeting, recognizing the nearly 100 members of the student organization for their outstanding commitment to community service and career education.
Throughout the month, various business experts will be presenting to the group, including Scott Werdebaugh, Stephanie Hayhurst-Hall, Chris Sander and James Rutledge.  Rutledge, who is with the West Virginia Auditor’s office, will be traveling from Charleston to offer an interactive financial workshop teaching about credit, identity fraud, and the stock market. 
The scheduled speakers won’t be the only ones in the spotlight during the week.  DECA members will be working with area civic organizations around the county to showcase community service efforts that will benefit the flood victims of West Virginia as well as the local backpack programs in Harrison County.  Fundraising efforts will continue throughout the year for both projects.
In the spirit of celebrating entrepreneurship, DECA will also be showcasing student success stories of past members.  “Bridgeport High School has had a number of very successful entrepreneurs come from the DECA organization,” said DECA Team Leadership Member Brook Russell.  “These include Ben Queen, Luke Nesler, Christina Hooker, Ashley Jolliff, Janelle Moyer, James Kane and many more who have shown students that success is attainable even at an early age.”
Each year, National DECA hosts a Global Entrepreneurship Challenge during which students from all 50 states and nine countries compete via You Tube to create products and services using common household items. The challenge will take place next week, encouraging students to use creative strategies to meet the needs of customers.
Bridgeport DECA is one of the largest chapters in the Mountain State and creates an inviting atmosphere for career exploration, academic success and community service. The skills learned at the local level are applied to state and national competitions where students can earn scholarships, recognition and travel opportunities. 
Traditionally, the Bridgeport community has been more than supportive of the organization’s efforts to promote business skills and raise awareness of local entrepreneurs.  The group hopes to travel to Anaheim, California in the spring to represent West Virginia in the International Career Develop Conference, where they will network with corporate representatives from all over the world.

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