
C.J. McGhee Wins Kiddie Pool Mural Contest

By Trina Runner on May 03, 2014 via

Pretty soon, you might notice some sea creatures popping up right here in Bridgeport.  No, it’s not some aquatic invasion; it’s the artistic design of C.J. McGhee, who recently won the GFWC Bridgeport Junior Woman’s Club’s Mural Contest.  For the past several years, the club has been supporting the American Mural Project and this year, they wanted to make that support more tangible to our local community. 
“We approached the Bridgeport Parks and Recreation Office about possible locations for a mural and Director Don Burton suggested the Kiddie Pool at the City Pool Complex,” said GFWC Bridgeport Junior Woman’s Club Co-President Shannon Gibson.  “The location seemed both challenging and fun.”
The club decided to sponsor a contest to create a design for the bottom of the pool.  They challenged young artists to generate child-friendly sketches of their ideas and submit them to the members.  When McGhee, a sophomore at BHS, submitted his design, members agreed it was a winner.  It featured several images of aquatic creatures that would immediately appeal to most kids. 
“We are so excited to see how it will translate to a full size mural,” said Gibson.
McGhee won $100, a free pool pass and a certificate for his prize-winning design.
“I was so excited that I won,” said McGhee. “I have always loved art and will probably spend my prize money on more art supplies.”
Prizes were awarded to him by Gibson and Arts Chairperson Jennifer Stevenson.  Mrs. Amber Davis, McGhee’s Art Teacher at BHS, joined Principal Mark DeFazio in the award presentation. 
McGhee will begin painting his mural in May under the supervision of his art teacher. The Parks and Recreation department is donating the white paint for the background and the Junior Woman’s Club will be providing the colored paint. 
“We feel this mural will encourage an appreciation of art and of aspiring artists,” added Gibson, “and C.J.’s design is something the whole community can enjoy.”

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