
He’s Back (Not Really): Q&A Session with Former Principal Mark DeFazio on Life Since Retirement

By Connect-Bridgeport Staff on September 26, 2018 via

Submitted by James Bowman
It didn’t take long for Mr. Mark Defazio to find his way back to BHS. The long time principal has been substituting at BHS during September, and many of his former students have made notice. Junior James Bowman, a photography student in Mr. Bonenbergers Journalism department, caught up with Mr. Defazio this week.
How does it feel to be retired?
It’s been an adjustment. I was a guy who was very structured. It takes time to adjust to retirement.
What does it feel like to not be the principal of BHS this year?
It’s very different transitioning from my position. Sometimes I miss the interactions, especially with the students. I have a different routine. What I don’t miss though is the stress of my old position.
If you could come, back would you? Even if it was for one day?
I would for one day, but not for full time. It was the right time for me to reitre after my 40 years.
What is it like to be a teacher now instead of an administer?
It is definitely different. I want to be sure I’m doing everything right as a teacher. I want to do everything in the classroom that I expected my teachers to do when I was an administrator.
Being retired do you have any hobbies, and would you ever consider skydiving or something like that?
Not really, there's nothing I want to do every day. I cut grass for family, and I like to occasionally golf. My brothers want me to go with them when they start deer hunting because they have a farm, but I don't like to hunt and, honestly, I'm afraid of guns. And I don’t like heights!
Editor’s Note: James Bowman is a student in Mr. Brad Bonnenberger’s journalism class. These stories are submitted to, and not assigned by, Connect-Bridgeport for publication. 

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