
Local Operation Christmas Child Ministry Yields Highest Number of Filled Shoeboxes in Program's Local History

By Julie Perine on December 02, 2016 via

When Simpson Creek Baptist Church opened the doors of its family life center as Operation Christmas Child headquarters, Coordinator Debbie Mount expected that around 10,000 filled shoe boxes would arrive within the week. 
"We had 11,829 total - the highest number in our history - a 13 percent grown from last year," she said.
For that result, she and the many volunteers which manned operations at SCBC said they have a generous community to thank. 
Simpson Creek took the reigns on the Samaritan's Purse project this year because Fellowship Bible Church - which served as distribution center over the past several years - was doing some renovating. 
Throughout the week of Nov. 14, there was a steady flow of shoe boxes filled with toys, novelties, books and school supplies - arriving from churches, schools, organizations and individual homes. A host of volunteers worked at the distribution center through the week to organize and pack boxes into two semis located in the church parking lot. It was their goal to pack as many shoe boxes into the large cardboard boxes as possible to keep shipping costs at a minimum, Mount said. Children who visited the distribution center left with their own holiday treats, such as coloring books, crayons, books and small toys. 
On Monday, Nov. 21, the semis pulled out of the parking lot and were in route to Charlotte NC, where the boxes were checked for content and some were supplemented. 
“In Charlotte, they will be labeled and checked for things like chocolate, war toys and breakables,” Mount said.
From North Carolina, the boxes went on to be delivered in some remote corners of the world where the contents will be some children's only gifts. 
It’s all a big undertaking and involves a large number of volunteers, Mount said.
"We had about 38 volunteers from our church and maybe 10 from other churches who have been doing this for years," she said.
Some of those individuals were from Fellowship Bible Church, which hosted the distribution center for several years.
"We also had maybe a dozen or so Key Club members from Bridgeport High School," Mount said. 
 BHS was also active in filling shoe boxes for the project. The BHS French Club filled and donated about 30 boxes. 
Mount said the process went smoothly and she was both pleased and impressed with the organization of Samaritan's Purse.
"It went about as perfect as can be on this earth! Samaritan's Purse logistics are amazing," she said.
The truck driver showed up at 3:30 p.m. sharp Nov. 21 - as scheduled. 
"And the area coordinators and local team of volunteers are wonderful," Mount added.

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