
A Look at the Fascinating and Beautiful History Behind Bridgeport High School's Shop for Tots Program

By Vincent Pinti on December 09, 2018 via

“Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”
One can hear as anxious consumers rush the Meadowbrook Mall and the many outlet stores to find gifts, toys, and crafts galore to celebrate the Christmas season. The holidays are always a time of families coming together and engaging in their own special traditions. Unfortunately, not everyone is awarded the same luxuries that many Americans are blessed with and do not get to see Christmas morning through those same excited eyes dancing around shiny ribbons and tightly spun wrapping paper. There are many children that come from families struggling to make ends meet and making sure that Santa can wiggle down the chimney to eat cookies is not exactly the pinnacle of their priorities.
To counter these unfortunate situations, the “Shop for Tots” program was started many years ago at Bridgeport High School to make sure the true reason for the season: giving to those who need it most, was put back into the holiday where that’s all it should be about. Thus, the first Shop for Tots was held in 1970-1971.
 It was started by the late teacher Mrs. Mary Reppert, who was the student council sponsor. This was her first year at BHS.  She noticed there were a lot of grade school students who didn't look as if they would be getting much for Christmas, so the Student Council took on the project by raising money for this endeavor.
For about the first years of the program's existence, students took the children to Hills Department Store to do their shopping.  The school had started receiving contributions from members of the community. In that first year, about $10 was spent a child.
“Mrs. Reppert and I became friends because we taught the same students ... she science, me English, so that is how I began to help her,” said retired BHS Teacher, Mrs. Alice Rowe.
Rowe has always been a guiding figure in this program, “I think this program affects our students very deeply.  You can ask students who went on Shop for Tots 20 years after they graduated, what was their fondest memory, and they will answer Shop for Tots and the senior play,” said Rowe. “The children like to go because they get presents.  A lot of these students will buy for members of their family as well as for themselves. We try to make them buy some clothing so it’s just not all toys.  The seniors become close to their little tots and hate to see them go at the end of the day.”
There are a lot of kids involved in this program, pulled primarily from the football team, cheerleaders, journalism, photography, and media departments. Shop for Tots has been an epiphany for many.
“Shop for Tots is one of my favorite memories from high school! That event really exemplifies the magic of giving and the beauty of the Christmas season. I will never forget seeing the joy not only on the faces of the elementary school students, but the faces of my classmates as well,” said 2016 graduate of BHS, Maggie Lohmann. “I was paired with a student who came from a home where English was the family's second language. It was a very eye-opening experience, and I loved seeing him open up more as the day went on. I'm grateful to have been part of a program that shows the power of face-to-face interaction and generosity.”
Students are looking forward to the potential impact that this may have on many.
“I am pretty excited to give back to less fortunate kids. It is going to be a good experience for both parties,” said BHS senior Carson DeMotto.
Several kids from across the Bridgeport area, ranging from all elementary ages, will be treated to all the traditions and festivities of Christmas.
“We pick up the kids, go to Target, try to get the kids to buy some clothing, then we get to the toys, board buses back to school, we feed them a nice lunch that is gifted by local restaurants, then at the end Santa makes a special visit, and we take them back to their school,” said Rowe.
In the spirit of the holidays, it is important to remember what these times are all about. Giving to those in need and celebrating family, friendships, and achievements fostered in the last year is what we all have to value this season, even though sometimes we get caught up in the “Ugly” Christmas Sweaters and sleigh rides. Everyone spread that cheer loud enough for all to hear!
Shop for Tots will take place December 20, 2018, and it will include Johnson and Simpson Elementary Schools.
Editor's Note: Vincent Pinti is a student in the journalism class of Mr. Brad Bonenberger. Although this story was not assigned, but submitted to Connect-Bridgeport, we highly recommend it.The photos are from several recent Shop for Tots events with the third picture showing recently retired educator, Mrs. Alice Rowe, a driving force behind the program, being interviewed by WDTV. All photos are by

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