
Adult Cross Guard Needed for Simpson Elementary School

By Julie Perine on August 20, 2014 via

The City of Bridgeport has an employment opportunity that is more than just a job. Currently needed is an adult cross guard for Simpson Elementary School.
As per Personnel Director Jimmy Smith, the job consists of managing students and pedestrians as they cross Worthington Drive to enter and exit the school. Simpson Elementary School Principal Loria Reid said that individual works alongside fifth grade student cross guards, but serve a very important function – one which those students cannot do.
“The adult cross guard is mostly needed to actually stop traffic safely. These kids are 10 and 11 years old and don’t need to be stopping traffic,” Reid said.
Especially during the morning, traffic is a problem, she said. Currently, a Bridgeport police officer is on site providing assistance and Reid helps by assisting students as they get out of their cars when dropped off in front of the school.
“Buses are 10 to 15 minutes behind schedule because of the traffic jams,” Reid said. “We really need a crossing guard just to get the flow of the traffic.”
Although the safety factor is a vital one, the adult cross guard plays another very important role.
“That’s just to see a consistent face out there for the elementary students,” she said. “The crossing guards learn the kids’ names and know the families.”
Having served in that capacity for the 2013-2014 academic year, Nancy Persinger had that very experience.
“Every exchange between the cross guard and a parent, student or bus driver was very pleasant,” she said. “Several times, I was told thank you for what I was doing. They were just so appreciative and it made me feel good to realize how important the job was.”
Retired from Allegheny Power Company, Persinger had no traffic-related experience when she was hired for the position in October of 2013.
“I trained for a few days with some Bridgeport police officers who were just angels and told me what I needed to do,” she said.
Persinger had only been retired for about a year when she decided to apply for the part-time cross guard position. It was an ideal way to be active in the community and supplement her family income, but not consume too much time.
There were a few extra perks, too.
“I got to know the kids really well and fell in love with them.  They were a blast to work with,” Persinger said. “They were polite and courteous and wonderful to be around.”
Parents and teachers expressed their appreciation in a number of ways. There were times when hot chocolate would turn up on a very cold morning and at Christmastime, the Simpson PTA surprised her with gift cards.
In every regard, Persinger said it was a very positive experience.
“I wouldn’t have traded it for the world,” she said.
The adult cross guard would be needed from about 6:50 through 8 a.m. and 2:30 through about 3 p.m.
The hourly pay for the position starts at $9.82 with an increase after six months to $10.32 averaging about 10-12 hours per week. 
The job requires commitment, but is most needed and appreciated, Reid said. 
Interest in the position can be expressed by emailing Smith at Jimmy Smith at
Editor's Note: Photo shows former Simpson Elementary Cross Guard Donald Entwistle at the close of the 2012-2013 school year. 

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