
Famous NASA Astronaut Inspires Simpson Elementary Students

By Trina Runner on September 21, 2014 via

 For most of us, the closest we will ever come to being in space tastes astronaut ice cream.  For others, like former Astronaut Susan Kilrain, the experience of space travel is very much a reality.  Kilrain was the guest of honor at this year’s NASA Day In The Park on Thursday.  The event allowed Simpson Elementary Fifth Graders to gain insight on what it takes to be an astronaut and what other careers are available in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Kilrain inspired the students as she told them what it takes just to get in space and the challenges of life high above the earth.  After her presentation, students had the opportunity to rotate through several hands-on educational stations pertaining to STEM.  Stations included experiencing a start lab, a wind tunnel, a magic planet simulation and a spectroscopy demonstration.  They also participated in robotics challenges, driving demonstrations, and solar observations.
The final activity allowed students to create some space artifacts of their own and they made straw rockets, water and stomp rockets.  They also attended an Ipad station where they witnessed Rockets 101, Shuttle Landing.

This is the fifteenth year for the program and it has educated and amazed over 11,000 students around West Virginia.  The Day In The Park is provided to students each year in an effort to encourage students to stay interested in science and math.  The current trend is that students start losing interest in these subjects during pre-adolescent, formative years and the program hopes to motivate them to be the next generation of STEM professionals.

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