
Public Invited to Attend Special Ceremony Honoring Veterans at Heritage Christian School Nov. 10

By Trina Runner on November 07, 2015 via

Veteran’s Day might be celebrated around the nation with fireworks and concerts, but in Bridgeport, it has a more personalized touch.  For over ten years, the staff at Heritage Christian School has been making sure their students understand the importance of the holiday and those we honor each year on November 11.
In the early 2000’s, the students would decorate a float for the Veteran’s Day Parade.  Donned in red, white and blue, the float would feature names of veterans and the students would ride in the parade.  Now, the school hosts a much more elaborate celebration.  On November 10, the community is invited to attend the special program, which will begin at 12:45p.m. at the school, located at 225 Newton Avenue in Bridgeport.
Headed by teacher Lisa Morris, a committee is formed in September to ensure all details are covered for the event.  Forms are sent home to all families to find current and former members who serve or served in the armed forces.  Before the program begins, there will be a continuous loop showcasing these brave men and women and their contributions.
In the weeks leading up to the program, classes learn age-appropriate lessons about Veteran’s Day and compose letters to those currently serving in the Armed Forces.  The letters are dedicated during the event and then sent to those serving.  Preschoolers create art that is also sent to the soldiers.
Welcoming comments will come from Mrs. Linda Simms, followed by prayer and a brief video tribute.  Next, the Harrison County Honor Guard-VFW will present the flag.  High school students then take the stage to review the history of Veteran’s Day, followed by two patriotic songs performed by the younger students.
Dr. Michael George will be the keynote speaker at the event.  Growing up in West Virginia, the acclaimed author and speaker knows how proud the Mountain State is of its Veterans.  His father is a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War whose service instilled a sense of patriotism in him from an early age.  He will be offering an inspiring message, noting some of the stories featured in his book, “My Story Of America:  Inspirational Stories of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
Heritage Christian fifth graders will wrap up the program with a presentation of a poem and then distribute poppies made by the middle school students.  Music and a symbolic “White Table Ceremony” will wrap up the event.
“We feel very privileged to have this opportunity to reach out to the veterans and their families in our area, to honor them and to say thank you,” said coordinator Deb Yoder.

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