
Healthy Faces: Meet Katelyn Hollar

By Connect-Bridgeport Staff on November 13, 2021 from Healthy Faces via

This week's Healthy Face is Katelyn Hollar. Learn about her and how she implements a healthy lifestyle below. Healthy Faces is sponsored by Healthy Harrison - Health Games, the Encore. 
1.What is your favorite motivational/self-help book?
I am an avid book collector, but hardly end up having time to actually sit down to read them. (I will one day, it’s on my bucket list) So I mainly find my inspiration, or should I say “fitspiration” on Pinterest. I have a specific board dedicated to my health journey where I pin new recipes, inspiring photos and quotes, workout routines and other helpful things.
2. Favorite healthy meal?
I am a huge fan of kale salads. I am constantly looking up new recipes on Pinterest and Tiktok to try different variations and toppings.
3. Favorite workout?
This is hard to pinpoint exactly, because I love arm days equally as much as I love leg days. My workouts usually consist of a cardio warm up and then a circuit targeting whatever muscle group I am working on that day.
4. How do you fit health and wellness into your busy lifestyle?
Its honestly difficult. There are times I am more dedicated than others, but it all comes down to how badly you want something. If you want something enough you will figure out how to work it into your lifestyle.
5. What is your favorite motivational quote?
“Invest in yourself, it pays the best interest.”
6. How did your health journey start?
I would say it all started with my first pageant that had a swimsuit portion of competition. With years of conditioning and competing in the pageant world, my health journey has most definitely evolved. I have worked with some of the best trainers who really helped me create and establish a strong foundation that I am constantly building on.
7. What are some easy tiny habits that you recommend people start with on their journey?
Drink your water. I can’t stress this enough, for so many different reasons. Water intake is really more important than people think. Understand your “why”- why are you starting this new journey? What are your goals? How are you going to make it happen? Creating an actual plan helps me stay focused and visualize how I am going to see something through. But most importantly, start small. Little changes will eventually lead to bigger ones. Never give up and remember to give yourself credit when it's due. Don’t forget to celebrate your small wins too!

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