
Time Travel: A Few Decades Rewind with BHS Cheer Squad and an Extinct County Route 50 Intersection

By Dick Duez on March 07, 2021 from History Blog via

See anyone you know? Although the exact date of this cheerleading photo is unknown, it is belieed to be from the late 1980s or early 1990s. If you know the year, especially if we're off on the date, please put it in the comment section below. Also, if you know the names of the young ladies shown, feel free to add them as well.
This photo from the 1970s shows an exit/on ramp off of U.S. Route 50 that no longer exists.The ramp was on the westbound side of Route 50 and it just prior to the current exit to Adamston. The ramp allowed motorists to enter and exit the same Clarksburg community before it was removed many years ago. 
Editor's Note: This ongoing photo feature of pictures from Bridgeport and throughout the Mountain State is part of local historian Richard "Dick" Duez's collection. Duez, the unofficial historian of Bridgeport, would appreciate any scanned photos emailed to him for use here or to include in his ongoing efforts to preserve local history. You can email photos, or let him know how to acquire copies of photos you may have in your possession, to Duez at

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