Time Travel: Hills Department Store, Plaza in 1968 and Decades Ago with Clarksburg Streetcar Workers
By Dick Duez on June 18, 2023 from History Blog via Connect-Bridgeport.com
Many in Bridgeport and throughout North Central West Virginia can recall Hills Department Store and the Hills Plaza on Main Street that today is the home to multiple businesses, including the Home Depot. This photo, believed to be from 1968, shows the plaza in its early stages as work is being done to make way for more development. Eventually, Hills would relocate to the area being graded out on the right side of the photo.
Although the date of this photo from the West Virginia & Regional History Center is not known, it is from many decades ago. Shown are workers for the once thriving streetcar industry that rambled through Clarksburg and surrounding areas.
Editor's Note: This ongoing photo feature of pictures from Bridgeport and throughout the Mountain State is part of local historian Richard "Dick" Duez's collection. , the unofficial historian of Bridgeport, would appreciate any scanned photos emailed to him for use here or to include in his ongoing efforts to preserve local history. You can email photos, or let him know how to acquire copies of photos you may have in your possession, to Duez at dickdo@citynet.net.