
It's Happening: A Scary Situation

By Julie Perine on October 11, 2015 from It’s Happening via

Saturday night, a group of nearly 60 journeyed to Smithfield, Pa. to go to Fright Farm. A couple of us opted to stay back at our group’s assigned military tent and keep the campfire going while the crew toured the haunted attractions.
My friend and I were pretty cozy, all kicked back in our lounge chairs chatting furiously around the fire, drinking hot chocolate and nibbling from a feast of finger foods. All the nearby tents were emptying and soon, we seemed to be the only ones around. You might understand why we jumped out of our seats when a resident spook tapped us on the shoulder.After the initial shock wore off, we asked our Frankenstein-style friend to pose with us for a selfie.
The freak show continued and other creepy creatures began stopping by – trying to scare the daylights out of us. By the time the last one showed up, it was old hat. We didn’t even break stride - continuing to pick up pop cans and soda bottles as we tidied up the camp. Being a most gracious hostess, my friend offered our latest zombie dude a piece of chocolate chip cookie cake. He said that would be just great. He took a seat around the fire and munched on the sweet treat. I was inquisitive, wanting to know about his work – how long he had been in the business, how long it took him to put on makeup and get into character; that kind of thing. He obliged, sharing some tidbits about his unique profession.
The conversation eventually shifted and soon – somehow – we were talking about parenting and the threat of the Internet. His piercing eyes, fanged teeth, spiked nose ring – and the safety pins in his lips - were a little distracting, but I heard him out.  His point was that there are terrible things out there at our kids’ fingertips and that it is up to the parents to keep them safe from things which young eyes should not see, young ears should not hear and impressionable minds should not encounter. I do disagree with him on one point. I don’t think the Web sites should be out there in the first place. But, unfortunately, you and I do not get to decide and the fact remains that the Internet – and therefore the world - is, indeed, is a very scary place.
It was an unlikely conversation which we had with our spook and I didn’t hear anything I haven’t thought of hundreds of times before. But I’ll take this opportunity to remind readers of those dangers. We’re becoming complacent with technology, taking for granted that we can get an answer to just about anything by striking a few keys. Smartphones are constant companions. We’re panic-stricken if we aren’t all charged up. We’re literally joined at the hip with our devices which, like the world, offer both good and evil. There’s no magic potion to ward it off. And unlike Fright Farm – in all its superficial scariness - it is the real deal. 
Julie Perine can be reached at 304-848-7200, or follow @JuliePerine on Twitter! 
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