BHS Alumna Amanda Green has Article Published on World Food Sustainability in Anthropology News
By Connect-Bridgeport Staff on April 14, 2021 via
A 2001 Bridgeport High School graduate continues to make her mark as it relates to world food sustainability. Amanda Green, the daughter of Hal Green and Ann Laretei Soderberg, recently had an article published in Anthropology News, which is under the American Anthropological Association.
Green's article apeared in the March 31 edition of Anthopology News. The title of the article is Rewriting the Food and Sustainability Syllabus with Farming While Black.
Green is a graudate of Davidson College with a degree in Anthropology and a Minor in International Studies, She earned her Masters Degree in Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. From there, she moved to Oregon, where she completed her PhD in Applied Anthropology, with a Minor in Food in Culture and Social Justice. That minor would prove to be pivotal in her impact on international methods involving food justice.
If you would like to see what this alumna is doing as well as take a look at her published work, Click HERE.
Editor's Note: File photos of Amanda Green inside shows her with a catch, while she is shown on the cover with members of her family.