
BMS Students Having a Ball Keeping Fit, Focused

By Trina Runner on January 31, 2015 via

If you are walking the halls at Bridgeport Middle School, you just might do a double take when passing Cristy Buffington’s classroom.  The sixth grade math teacher has introduced a new concept to the status quo of the old-school classroom.  Instead of desks, students are given stability balls on which to sit during class. 
“The original idea came from an article I read about the benefits of stability balls for ADHD students,” said Buffington, who introduced the concept to students this semester.  “According to research, students using stability balls show increased attention and focus, better circulation, and improved posture, among other benefits.”
Buffington shared her research with some colleagues, including BMS Principal Carole Crawford.
“Coincidentally, RESA VII contacted Mrs. Crawford saying they had 30 stability balls available for classroom use,” said Buffington.  “A few days later, we had the balls ready for use in my classroom.”
As one can imagine, a classroom full of stability balls might have the potential for disruption by students playing with them.  The opposite has been the case, as Buffington put some rules into place from the beginning. 
“Students and parents had to sign an agreement stating that they would keep both feet on the floor, stick to only tiny, non-distracting bounces, and tuck the seat in when exiting the room.” 
Added benefits have surfaced since implementing the new concept, including giving more energy to lethargic students and increasing attention during class. 
“The novelty factor is still working, so it has also increased enthusiasm for coming to class in general.”

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