
City Engineer Beth Fox Talks a Realm of Projects at Today's Bridgeport Utility Board Meeting

By Julie Perine on July 20, 2017 via

Beth Fox’s words at this morning’s Bridgeport Utility Board meeting were well received. During her city engineer's report, she shared that tonight will be the final night that Pro Contracting will work along Main Street during nighttime hours as tie-in work, the final phase of the water and sewer upgrade project, nears completion.
“(Workers) will be back on day shift next week for two to three days, doing the main tie-in at Shop n’ Save with water being shut off about an hour while it is completed,” Fox said. “Then we’ll have some cleanup on Third Street and behind Della’s Deli and around Bartlett Avenue.”
The next project, Fox said, is paving, which will take place the week of July 31.
“We anticipate two nights of milling and one to two nights of paving,” she said. “After that, striping will take place.”
Scheduled for paving are Main First, Third and Fifth Streets; some of the work being done at night – with a start time of 7 p.m. or later.
Lower Worthington Drive has also been added to the upcoming paving schedule.
It’s been a lengthy project, but overall, Fox said she is very pleased.
“It has exceeded my expectations,” she said. “I know it’s been a hassle, but they have done a good job.”
During her report, Fox also touched on storm water upgrade work.
“That’s going to be an in-house job with our public works department, starting, I assume, in the fall,” she said.
Areas include Circle Drive, Zappia Drive and Worthington Drive.
“Smoke testing has been done and we’ll come up with some plan to get a sewer line through there,” Fox said.
It is those areas where the majority of storm water complaints originate, Fox said.
“It has been unusually wet this year, so we need to address those areas on the short-term,” she said.
Utilizing a map to point out problem areas, Fox also showed those attending this morning’s BUB meeting ponds at Sherwood Road and Crestview Terrace.
The first, she said, hasn’t reached capacity, but the second, has. Projected work includes opening the ditch which runs from Archwood Drive, past Ventura Drive to Meadowview Manor. It’s possible, Fox said, that the city will need to purchase property to build its own retention system.
A couple other areas in need of storm water management include Gordon Avenue and Grand Avenue.
“On First Street, there is no storm water control. Ponds form with even the slightest rain,” she said.
Fox and her intern, Jacob Griffith, are working on a design to tie into the storm water system.
Areas behind the car wash on Williams Avenue, Broadway Street, Faris Avenue, Elm and Maple Streets above Twin Oaks and Long Street – including houses behind Hall Street – are also being addressed.
Last but certainly not least, the West Main Street/Route 50 area was discussed with regard to storm water control. Fox said she is meeting next week with DOH District Manager Don Williams to discuss the possibility of a retaining wall.
City Manager Kim Haws said the implementation of a retention system along the Home Depot plaza has been talked about.
“I think there are opportunities to come up with some creative ways to slow that water down,” he said.
Teaming up with the DOH on the project would be ideal, Haws said.
Fox also touched on upgrading the water line coming off the hill from the former Parkette Restaurant (old Route 50), down onto the southbound off-ramp of the I-79/Route 50 interchange.
“We’re talking about putting in a new line and pulling the old line, keeping the casing open for future work,” Fox said.
With regard to future sewer projects, areas under consideration include Ridgeway Drive, Wakefield to Arrowwood and along Rainbow Road. That project will be put out to bid, with estimated cost between $320,000 and $340,000 range.
That item will be placed on the agenda of the next Bridgeport Utility Board meeting, slated for 8:30 a.m. Aug. 10.
At today’s meeting, held at Bridgeport Municipal Building and conducted by newly-elected Mayor Andy Lang, various other departments provided reports; coverage forthcoming on Connect-Bridgeport. 

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