
Tonight's City Council Meeting to Feature Handful of Unfinished Business Items; Recognition of Local Scouts

By Julie Perine on September 23, 2019 via

Bridgeport Boy Scouts Troop 40 Honor Guard will lead the Pledge of Allegiance at this evening’s Bridgeport City Council meeting. Thereafter, the troop will be honored with a proclamation recognizing its contributions to our community.
The awards and presentation portion of the meeting will be followed by a list of unfinished business items, starting with reappointments.
Council will vote to reappoint Drew Pomeroy to the Bridgeport Development Authority for a three-year term and to reappoint James Griffin as the city’s representative to the CENTRA board of directors for a term of two years.
The two remaining items of business include consideration of Bridgeport Development Authority’s recommendation for a façade improvement grant and of an alley abandonment on East Olive Street.
The façade improvement grant, said Community Development Director Andrea Kerr, is for Alghadban, LLC located at 136 West Main Street, across the parking lot from My Little Cupcake and across Main Street from United Security Agency.
The upper floor contains four rental units and the ground floor will be utilized for commercial activity.
“The side of the building was just painted cement block and they want to put stucco on the outside to make it look nicer,” Kerr said. “They plan on putting awnings in the front and it is their intent to put an emergency fire exit down the side of the building to make it safer.”
Once work is completed and receipts are submitted, the maximum reimbursement under the terms of the grant is $10,000, Kerr said.
“I do believe they will receive the maximum amount if everything goes as anticipated,” she said.
The alley abandonment concerns property owned by Jim Devericks and located at 446 East Olive Street.
Devericks was granted one abandonment a couple of years ago and has requested another.
“His property is mostly in the floodway – which is a little different from a floodplain - because you cannot build at all in a floodway,” Kerr said. “He wants to build a new house on his property and he is having to actually build close to his property line on the corner in order to get out of the floodway. Therefore, he got an abandonment on one side a couple years ago, but it looks like he’s going to need a little more room so he’s requesting abandonment on the other side. Since he’s on a corner lot, there are two alleys beside him.”
Council will also vote on a general fund budget revision which, according to City Clerk Donna Krivosky, authorizes the city to make a $15,000 donation to the Harrison County Senior Citizens Center for transportation services.
The 7 p.m. meeting will be preceded by a 6:15 p.m. work session; both meetings held at Bridgeport Municipal Building on West Main Street.
Editor's Note: Pictured from top are Council Members Jeff Smell, Bob Greer, Mayor Andy Lang and Recorder Hank Murray; Community Development Director Andrea Kerr and members of the Bridgeport Development Authority; City Manager Randy Wetmore, Burton, Vincent and City Clerk Donna Krivosky.

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