
U.S. Presidential Awards to be Presented at Monday Night's Bridgeport City Council Meeting

By Julie Perine on April 21, 2017 via

April 23-29 is Volunteer Week – across the nation and in Bridgeport, so Monday’s City Council meeting will feature some volunteer recognition. For the first time in the city’s history, U.S. Presidential Awards will be presented to Bridgeport’s Volunteers in Police Services members.
“Chief (John) Walker signed us up for the program,” said Kerry Hess, VIPS member. “This is something President (George W.) Bush set up after 9-11 for individuals who volunteer in their communities.”
Volunteer hours must be tracked and certified to quality for recognition through the program. Hess is managing the program here in Bridgeport, logging hours of VIPS members. Also involved is Officer "Bart" Sayers, who serves as the department's liaison with the VIPS.
“You have to put in 100 hours to earn a bronze pin and 499 hours for a silver pin. Anything over that earns a gold pin,” he said. “This year is the first time the awards program has been established in Bridgeport and hours logged are for those served last year – in 2016.”
Eight VIPs members, including Hess, will receive Presidential Awards signed by President Donald Trump at Monday night’s meeting.
“It’s quite an honor to get a paper signed by the president of the U.S.,” he said.
Walker said he and his department are very proud of the VIPs for the work they do and they always try to recognize and show their appreciation in some way.
“When we learned about this Presidential award, we thought it was pretty special," he said.
In addition to the Presidential Awards, Walker will present local awards to VIPS volunteers too.
Another volunteer organization – the GFWC Bridgeport Women’s Club – will also be recognized. By proclamation of Council, April 24, 2017 will be declared GFWC Federation Day.
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs was formed in 1890 when 63 clubs convened in New York City. Eleven years later, the 56th Congress of the U.S. chartered GFWC and designated that the federation maintain its headquarters in Washington, DC.

Nationally, GFWC has accomplished some most notable accomplishments through the years. The 1942 “Buy a Bomber” campaign raised nearly $155,000 through the sale of war bonds, enough to purchase 431 planes. In 2004, GFWC members across the country combined to raise $180,000 to purchase a fully-equipped New York City Fire Department ambulance in response to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
GFWC Woman’s Club of Bridgeport was organized in 1950 and is quite active in not only promoting national and international efforts, but also implementing and supporting local projects, including Relay for Life for cancer awareness/fundraising, sponsoring writing contests for students, sponsoring students to attend Rhododendron Girls State, Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Camp and Conservation Camp, providing scholarships to BHS graduates and sending dresses and other items to Haiti through locals who travel to do mission work.
Council will also take care of a pair of new business items: The reappointment of John R. “Jack” Merinar, Jr. to the Bridgeport Utility Board and the consideration and approval of a purchase agreement between the city and the Benedum Airport Authority. Consisting of five acres, that property is  located along Route 131 just across from the entrance to Bridgeport Recreation Complex. The city has been pursuing the property for the past few years for a three-fold purpose: To eliminate an eyesore and make the acreage functional, to use for storage of city equipment and supplies and to also potentially implement additional parking for large events held at the Rec Complex. Read more about the proposed property transfer HERE.
The governing body will also hear a presentation from the Harrison County Board of Education regarding the forthcoming construction of a new Johnson Elementary School and from Bridgeport Public Library Director Sharon Saye, who will provide her annual progress report.
Mayor Bob Greer and City Manager Kim Haws will provide their respective reports. Opening Monday’s meeting with an invocation by Rev. Jim Lang of Bridgeport United Methodist Church. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at Bridgeport Municipal Complex. As always, the regular session is open to  members of the public.

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