
Off the Shelf: The Beauty in Chaos

By Sharon Saye on May 09, 2018 from Off the Shelf via

The library’s annual spring book sale has been cancelled this year because of the upcoming renovations, but we have been maintaining three tables worth of books for sale at reduced prices in the hallway to the conference room. 
Since the work on the conference room is going to be done last, we will be able to keep this book sale going until early July.  Plus, the prices have been reduced to $.25 for all books no matter if they are hardbacks, paperbacks, music CDs, etc.   This is a great deal for readers since the price can hardly be beat. 
During the run-up to the renovations, the library staff has been culling quite a few of the library’s collections such as the paperbacks and the music CDs for items that are old, or do not circulate.  We are going to be working on the oversize books as well as the fiction collection in the coming weeks, so this is a great opportunity for readers.
As I explained before, the renovation work begins in early June and the contractors will be working at night after the library closes.  They are beginning with the front section moving through the center, then the back, and finishing with the hallways and the conference room.  Since we are using the conference room to store boxes of books as well as furniture, there will be no programming scheduled during this period.  The book groups, and children’s story hour will take place in other parts of the library.  When convenient, other programs will also be scheduled in the back or children’s sections.  Please check our newsletters and online for more information.
Although most areas of the library will be available during the day, not all services will be.  For instance, the public access computers in the front will be removed during the work there, but we will still have four Internet accessible computers in the back.  And the bulk of the DVD collection will have to be packed up and stored during the initial stages of renovation, but we will try to keep available the newest DVD releases.  Our online services will remain open for business 24/7 which includes downloadable books, movies, music, audiobooks and magazines as well as the reference databases.
So please be patient with all the chaos, the end results should be great.

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