
Aqua Zumba Again to be Offered at City Pool

By Julie Perine on June 17, 2016 via

For the past few summers, Aqua Zumba has attracted fitness enthusiasts of all ages - those who like working out in the water. Again this year, the program - described by instructors as invigorating, low-impact and incorporating international rhythm and dance in an aquatic environment - will be offered at Bridgeport City Pool.
Taught by certified ACE and licensed Aqua Zumba instructors Mary Ann Renzelli and Cynthia Campbell,  two four-week Aqua Zumba sessions will be held: June 20 through July 13 and July 25 through Aug. 17. Class time is 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost for each session is $55 or both for $100. 
Renzelli said although it is a low-impact workout, it promises high-impact results. Movements of the Zumba dance rhythms are adapted to the water, providing easy to learn aquatic choreography that is so much fun to do, she said. Among prime benefits is muscle strength and endurance as the water provides its own resistance. Because of the large range of motion movements, Aqua Zumba also trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, promotes muscle flexibility and joint mobility. 
Both Renzelli and Campbell have taught Aqua Zumba locally, as well as at various Caribbean resorts. 
Including samba, meringue, mambo and salsa, dance moves of the Latin-inspired fitness craze are modified to accommodate resistance and buoyancy factors of the water. Bonus benefits include increased endorphin production, bone density and elasticity and decreased psychological stress and insomnia – without joint and back stress.
Strength training and toning are incorporated through the use of aqua dumb bells, noodles and paddleboards. There are also elements of yoga and balance, with all major muscle groups targeted. The class utilizes various genres of music – including country, rhythm, big band and top 40 - to appeal to every age.
Though considered low-impact, the course is challenging and an ideal way to shake up the fitness routine and see results, Renzelli said. As students can enjoy the great outdoors, summertime is an especially appealing season to take advantage of aqua Zumba and strength training. Renzelli and Campbell work together to incorporate a two-fold mission of achieving health and happiness, they said.
The fitness form is ideal for anyone of any age, including those who are recovering from injury or want to complete a workout in half the time of a traditional land workout.
To register, call Bridgeport Parks & Recreation at 304-842-8240.
Editor's Note: Pictured top/cover is Campbell.

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