
Bridgeport, Lincoln Middle Schools Host Kick it to Cancer Game Day

By Connect-Bridgeport Staff on October 18, 2019 via

For the second conecutive year, Bridgeport Middle School and Lincoln Middle School have teamed up to host Game Day to raise awareness for cancer and raise funds for cancer research. This year, the event was held Oct. 10 and held at LMS. 
Students wore pink throughout the stands in support of cancer awareness, players wore pink socks and coaches wore pink shirts. The game ball was brought in by a parachute. During half time, there was a field goal kicking contest featuring students from both schools. Students competed to kick the most field goals, paying a dollar each to participate. The four winners were from Bridgeport.  Proceeds from the concessions and field goal kicking contest benefited cancer research.  BMS won the game 38/8. Though the teams were opponents on the field, their schools were on the same team when it came to raising money to "Kick it to Cancer."

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