
The Grapevine: Looking Back at the Year of 2020 and Looking Ahead to Better Things in Year of 2021

By Rosalyn Queen on December 24, 2020 from The Grapevine via

As much as it seems impossible 2020 is now coming to an end.  For me this year seems to have had more ups and downs than any I can remember.
It marks two years since I have had a chemotherapy treatment.  Now this is a good thing and I truly hope that I have accomplished what this treatment is supposed to.  Although I continue to go to the doctor for lab work, everything seems to be okay.  I have continued to keep my port in for my regularly scheduled blood tests and I go to the hospital monthly to get it flushed.  I have stayed on my diet which I have shared with you for a little over a year and have lost over 25 pounds. At Thanksgiving I decided to take a reprieve and my intentions are to go back on it the first of the year.
2020 was also an election year and to say the very least, there were many ups and downs.  Some of us lost a few and some of us won a few.  We all should be aware that this happens when there is a political race.  I am proud to say that I did win an important one with the re-election of my grandson, Ben Queen to the House of Delegates.  I only hope that we will do our best to back those who were elected and try to help forward our country for the benefit of all of us.  I am just disappointed with all the ugly comments that continue on Facebook.  A positive attitude will certainly benefit all of us and especially our country.
Now one of the biggest things to happen this year was the COVID-19 virus.  Is it over yet? Probably not.  I never thought that I would ever experience what has happened to our world.  I feel so bad for the deaths that have occurred and for those families that have battled this virus.  As I write this it seems that a vaccine is available and will soon be administered to us.  Now the decision, are you going to take it?  Yes, I am.  I have thought about it and have made the decision to take it as soon as it is available for me.  This is a decision that we will have to make for ourselves.  Even though there is a vaccine, I urge you to continue to wear a mask, to social distance and probably best of all to just stay home.  Please be safe and stay healthy.
There are many other memorable events that have happened to each of us and. Our families.  Maybe it was a wedding, a birth, a graduation from college or many other things, but what makes the difference is how we look at these events.  This is the time when we must see our glass as half full and not half empty.
I gave myself a good talking to last week when contemplating how I was going to celebrate the holidays.  I was getting pretty grumpy and decided that I have had 80 great years and entertaining myself during the holidays would be a great challenge.  So, I hope that you, as I will not, inflict on our families a guilt trip so that we can get our way.  I am sure that their concern is for our safety as well as theirs.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Maybe this is the time for some resolutions that will enhance our lives and 2021.  Take care, keep in touch, and until next year, “Now You Have Heard  It Through The Grapevine.”

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