
Address Numbers on Structures in City Need to be Legible, Visible from Street; Enforcement Taking Place

By Jeff Toquinto on February 06, 2018 via

Finding homes and businesses in Bridgeport is supposed to be a somewhat easy task, according to Bridgeport Community Development Director Andrea Kerr. However, for folks in the code enforcement office and those involved in emergency services it’s not always proving to be the case.
Because of that, Kerr said the city has recently began notifying structures where there are not both visible and approved address numbers. Kerr said one of the reasons it’s being done is because it’s the law.
“Code enforcement has noticed the issue while driving around as we try to keep up with property maintenance issues and it’s come up more than once as it relates to emergency personnel,” said Kerr. “There are some places that don’t have numbers on them or they don’t have numbers and the numbers are listed on a mailbox on the opposite side of the street.
“For our code enforcement people it’s an issue, but it really poses a problem for police or ambulance service when someone has a dire emergency and you’re not sure which house because you can’t see the number,” she continued. “While that may seem trivial, in an emergency seconds count and that creates a problem.”
For those not in compliance with the code the city utilizes, Kerr said door hangers have been placed out to let owners know they have 10 days within receiving the hanger that the numbers need to be placed on the structure in question. The hanger states the numbers need to meet the following requirements:
“All buildings shall have approved address numbers in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road front the property. These numbers shall be contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall not be less than 4 inches in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch.”
For anyone that isn’t certain of the wording, they can contact Andrew Junkins with the City Code Enforcement Division. He can be reached at 304-842-8218.
“We’re trying to clean things up and make the city more uniform. The house numbers, according to city code, have to be displayed,” said Kerr. “Staff has been putting them out already and we would really appreciate everyone’s cooperation to get the house numbers up in the proper manner and they can call (number above) if they have any questions.”
The requirement is part of the City of Bridgeport’s enforcement of the State Building Code, effective Sept. 1, 2016. This falls under the International Property Maintenance Code of 2015 (304.3), which deals with premises identification.'
Editor's Note: Top photo shows the hangers that are being placed on certain homes and structures throughout the city, while Community Development Director Andrea Kerr is shown below.

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