
Before Halfway Mark of 2024, United Hospital Center has Nearly $1.7 Million in Projects Across Campus

By Jeff Toquinto on July 15, 2024 via

Bridgeport is in the midst of another year of booming construction as tens of millions of dollars have already been invested according to building permits. And it would be an anomaly if United Hospital Center were not in the mix.
The medical facility off Jerry Dove Drive has had three significant building permits – and one small one – issued this year, according to Bridgeport Community Development Director Andrea Kerr.
The most recent project had a permit issued over a month ago. On June 5, a $400,000 building permit was issued for the UHC Physician’s Office Building.
The permit is for a new roof. Duarte’s Roofing is handling the project. Kerr also said there are interior renovations as well as part of a Feb. 9 building permit. Magic Construction did the project for $20,000.
“We frequently see large projects such as additions taking place on the main hospital building, but it’s nice to see that the Physician’s Office Building is getting a new roof and renovations. UHC takes pride in keeping the entire campus looking extremely nice, even things you may not see,” said Kerr.
On May 14, a massive paving project permit was issued for the facility. On that date, Miller Paving was listed as the contractor on a $614,097 project.
“This is a large paving project. Paving project, which I personally love to see, just add a fresh look to everything,” said Kerr.
One project that saw a building permit issued on April 16 was for a UHC emergency room renovation. The project, with a building permit of $633,000, was managed by March Westin.
The project began June 17 with an approximate two-week completion period, according to UHC officials.
Information UHC provided on the project stated that the project featured renovation of the existing emergency department waiting area, including aesthetic improvements to lighting, ceiling, flooring, walls, fixtures, and restrooms. New features include charging stations and seating areas with partitions for more privacy.
“It’s a nicer and more efficient space,” said Kerr. “None of this is surprising because UHC always keeps up with their building on the interior and exterior. They stay ahead of things and keep it nice on their site.”
The cost of all four projects came in at $1,667,097.
Editor's Note: Top photo shows Community Development Director Andrea Kerr going over plans, while the second image shows a truck outside the Physician's Office Building assisting with the roof project.

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