
Bridgeport City Council to have New Look in 2023 as Two-Term Member Not Filing to Run for Third Term

By Jeff Toquinto on November 28, 2022 via

The City of Bridgeport’s next election is not until June 13, 2023, but there is a guarantee that when it is over there will be a new look on City Council. And it has nothing to do with someone certain to be voted out of office.
Rather, after two terms on the city’s governing body, Council member Jeff Smell has confirmed that he will not be seeking a third term. Smell, who was first elected in 2013, said there were three good reasons for him leaving the office.
“Myleigh, Ethan, and Bria,” said Smell, when asked why.
For those who do not know, those are three individuals who Jeff and Cyndy Smell are the parents of. The trip just happens to be triplets who are now sophomores at Bridgeport High School.
“They’re busy in sports, band, and extracurricular activities and I just want to see them get through high school and not have any real conflicts with their events,” said Smell. “With three of them, they outnumber Cyndi and I. With three of them, it’s tough getting to all the events and if I happen to be tied up for something critical on the city front, I may end up missing it. Stepping away allows for a better chance to be there and watch them participate as they grow up.”
Smell still won’t be able to see all three of his kids in everything even with a few more evenings available. He said that you have to take him seeing his kids take part in everything with a grain of salt.
“Even if I am available, you can’t be at two or maybe three events at one time even if I am available,” he said. “This fall, 75 percent of the time Cyndi and I were split at different place between volleyball, soccer, and cross country. We’ve done the divide and conquer strategy and this helps. It’s been really helpful the kids are so understanding as well.”
While Smell is putting family first, he said the city has never taken a back seat during his time. He said he has made it a priority of the first order.
“When you run, you have to know what you’re signing up for, and prioritizing the city at the top of the list is part of that,” said Smell. “Now, I can focus fully on family and our kids’ high school years and then get them into college.”
Smell said there are several things he is proud of during his time on Council. He points to the development of the Citynet Center, the expansion of trails, and a host of other items he said both large and small that have made the city continue on its growth path.
“We’ve been fortunate to be part of a lot of good things and I’ve been fortunate to serve with a lot of good Council members and a great set of workers in the city,” said Smell.
As for the early announcement of stepping down, Smell said it is simple. With the filing period beginning shortly after the start of the year, Smell said he hopes knowing an open seat is available will get qualified individuals into the race.
“I wanted to give people the opportunity that may have an interest, a thought, they want to get involved to really look at what is involved, and this should give them some time,” said Smell. “I want to see good people get involved to continue the success.”
As for the future, Smell also talked about possibly getting back into the mix once things settle on the home front as his children get older.
“There is a chance I could get back in,” said Smell. “I’ve really enjoyed it, so I can’t rule it out.”
Editor’s Note:Top photo shows Smell at a Bridgeport City Council session, while bottom photo shows the family recently during a vacation to Jackson, Wyoming. From left is Ethan, Bria, Myleigh, Cyndy, and Jeff Smell. 

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