
Did City Make Mistake? Council Agenda Proves Rare

By Jeff Toquinto on September 24, 2018 via

For those reviewing the Bridgeport City Council agenda for this evening and wondering if a mistake has been made, Mayor Andy Lang has offered assurances there are no mistakes.
There are no items of business for Council to act upon during the regular session. The meeting, however, will still be held beginning at 7 p.m. at the Bridgeport Municipal Complex.
“We just don’t have any items, but our charter calls for two meetings a month and we plan on doing that so we can address any issues that may arise,” said Lang, who noted that meetings occasionally are canceled due to holidays. “There will be business, but it will take place before and after the regular session.”
Prior to the meeting, there will be a work session. The work session, in the conference room of Council chambers, will take place starting at 6 p.m.
“I’ll have several items to discuss there,” said Lang.
Among the items are coming up with talking points for the City of Bridgeport’s levy election. The election is in February of 2019 and Lang said it’s important to know what the election provides to the community.
“We want to make sure Council members are up to speed to let them get the word out on just how important this levy is,” said Lang.
There are other items to be discussed as well. Lang will give an update on how much dirt work has been done at the Rec Complex on a percentage basis, looking to set a date – and considering changing the format – of Council’s annual strategic planning session, discuss the comprehensive plan update that includes a survey for the community to get their involvement, an update on the rental inspection program that began with letters being sent to property owners, and setting a date to announce the items making up the Bridgeport Indoor Recreation Complex.
“We hope to finally be able to announce exactly what we’re going to do and show the community the budget,” said Lang. “We’ll also talk about that in executive session with an update from our architect and consultant.”
Lang said, for the most part, the meeting will consist of the work session, going into regular session for the Pledge of Allegiance, and then directly into executive session. There will also be time for a public forum for anyone wishing to address Council as well as a report from Lang. City Manager Kim Haws won’t be in attendance and won’t have a report, said Lang.
No decisions will be made in executive session. The meeting is open to the public.

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