
More Partnerships on Way to The Bridge? City Council Resolution Aimed to Make Process an Easier One

By Jeff Toquinto on October 22, 2021 via

Earlier this week, it was announced that The Bridge Sports Complex had entered into a partnership with a banking institution to serve as the title sponsor of the facility’s fieldhouse.
For the next five years, the facility will be the WesBanco Fieldhouse, which you can read about HERE. According to Bridgeport City Manager Randy Wetmore, the possibility for more at The Bridge is more than speculation.
To make the process easier if, and when, naming rights or sponsorships occur, Bridgeport City Council on Monday at its 7 p.m. meeting will act on a resolution allowing Wetmore to enter into sponsorship agreements with entities. And it’s not just for The Bridge, but all fields, facilities, and recreational leagues owned and operated by the city.
“The resolution just formalizes things as we have multiple sponsorship opportunities out at The Bridge. It allows me, or my designee, to sign off on the necessary documentation to make that happen,” said Wetmore. “It’s a way to streamline things and take care of things in a more expedient matter.”
The good news? Wetmore said there is plenty of interest, primarily from the business community, to have naming rights, sponsorships, and things of that nature that will provide a benefit to the city and ultimately the residents and individuals using those facilities.
“We are really fortunate to have a number of interested business groups looking into partnerships that end up helping with The Bridge,” said Wetmore. “At the same time, the resolution is broad enough to take care of all the city facilities as opportunities arise across our recreational venues.”
Another item on the agenda that looks pedestrian, and may end up being the case, could have financial benefits as it relates to The Bridge. Council will be asked to approve an amendment to a bond indenture dated Dec. 19, 2018, and other related documents.
The reason?
“This particular bond deals with The Bridge. We believe the process of amending it will result in savings,” said Wetmore.
Council will also act on approving a contribution to the Harrison County Senior Citizens Center for $15,000. The money will be used for transportation services.
Wetmore said Council has been asked for, and provided, the funding in the past. He said Bridgeport residents are among many that benefit from the transportation services provided by the Senior Center.
In a late addition to the agenda Thursday, and a big one, Council will look to enter into an agreement with Advantage Technology for a contract plus 10 percent contingency for $282,510.56. The contract will provide 123 video cameras and licenses for the city.
For those wondering, these are not handheld cameras. Instead, this are high end cameras that will spread throughout the city to provide a high level of security for every department, but with an emphasis on providing public safety and assistance for issues involving the police department.
“The cameras will be used by every department and placed throughout the city,” said Wetmore. “Some will be at the wastewater plant, some at city hall, some a public works and various intersections through the city as well as at The Bridge.”
“It’s city wide effort to assist public safely, mainly with a police component, but it allows other department to track activity,” he continued. “It’s a good thing and it will get all of the city’s camers under one system.”
The purchases came after an August presentation to Council about high end cameras. The presentation, which started with Deputy Chief Mark Rogers explaining the benefits, went over well with Council. It showed how easily – and how clear – images and video can be taken from the cameras and how it can also tie in with other municipalities and even businesses who may want to acquire the camera systems.
“Clarksburg has the camera system and we can work together with them as well,” said Wetmore. “I believe they are expanding the number of cameras they will have.
“These cameras are much more sophisticated and will save time for groups like the police when looking for something,” he continued. “It should benefit all the departments and also help us with security throughout the city.”
During the presentation, it was stated businesses could also opt to purchase cameras that would tie into the city’s system. Wetmore said that is still the plan for the future, and he hopes businesses will take advantage of that when the time comes.
“That will eventually be available, but the company, like so many others, are being impacted by the supply issues. We’ll definitely work with them to offer cameras to those who want to purchase and we hope at the same price,” he said.
Funding will come from the general fund, utility budget and the budget for The Bridge, among others.
The meeting will also feature a report by Wetmore and Mayor Andy Lang, as well as a public comment forum near the start of the meeting. Bridgeport Presbyterian Church Pastor Robin Ray will provide the invocation.
There is no work session.
Editor's Note: Top photo shows City Manager Randy Wetmore, right, signging an agreement with WesBanco's Market President Nick Taylor. Bottom photo shows the front entrance to The Bridge.

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