
Near $500,000 Infrastructure Project Sees Finishing Touches as Contractor Installs Sidewalk Handrails

By Jeff Toquinto on October 08, 2015 via

For those wondering when the Johnson Avenue sidewalk project between Hall Street and the bottom entrance to Woodside Heights would be officially complete, the answer is probably right now. City Engineer Tom Brown said contractors were putting the finishing touches on the handrails that were ordered weeks ago.
“I anticipate them being done (today) at the latest,” said Brown.
D&M Contracting out of New Alexandria, Pa. had staff return to the city Monday to begin the process of installing the handrail on both sides of the sidewalk. It is the final piece of a $422,000 infrastructure project.
The bulk of the project invovled replacing a sanitary sewage line and stabilizing the hillside that was above the old sidewalk. The area in question was slipping and had that area slipped  it would have taken out the sewage in that area. Due to the area having what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers described as a creek in the area, it took several years to complete the necessary paperwork and approvals to begin the project. And now it’s in the books.
Of course, there are those that may be wondering why it took so long to get the rails installed or why the rails weren’t ordered at the beginning of the project. Brown said the reason for that is simple.
“You’re not dealing with a straight sidewalk with a straight rail. It’s got curves throughout,” said Brown. “After the sidewalk was done, the contractors were able to order it. Before the order they actually had a survey crew come out and get the measurements to get it exactly to form.”
Recently, City Council members – including John Wilson and Mayor Robert Greer – told city leaders that they had tons of positive feedback on the new sidewalk. Previously, the area was covered with vegetation. Now, it’s open and includes ornamental lighting.
“I think it looks good, but the main thing is that It does what we wanted it to in providing a secure hillside and sewage lines. We now have the handrails on both sides that provide the safety needed to preven individuals from going into the ditchline or coming off the other side,” said Brown.
Although the project was not officially completed until the handrail installation was finished, the sidewalk has been open for several weeks. Portable fencing was used to block individuals from the ditchline. That fencing has been removed.
Editor's Note: Contractors are shown putting the finishing touches on the handrail along the new Johnson Avenue sidewalk.

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