
New White Oaks Residential Development to Feature 41 Units, Including Patio Homes, and will Top $5M

By Jeff Toquinto on April 10, 2024 via

Details on Bridgeport’s next residential development were revealed during Monday’s Bridgeport Planning Commission meeting, and it will likely mean millions in new housing units for the city.
The Commission signed off on a trio of items, the only items listed on the agenda, that will create a residential development in the business area of White Oaks. The moves will set the stage for what an official representing High Tech Corridor Development said will be a project exceeding $5 million.
To help facilitate the development, the Commission signed off on a final subdivision request to subdivide 11.48 acres along White Oaks Boulevard for the development. That was followed by the Commission agreeing to rezone the subdivided areas from Business-2, which allows large scale commercial business, to Residential-3, which allows single-family dwellings all the way up to multi-unit complexes and the max allowed under a residential designation.
Project Manager Marcus Carnegie with The Thrasher Group, who is overseeing the work by High Tech Corridor Development, said this development will have 12 patio homes in it. Those homes, he said, will have an amenity area that will consist of likely a pool area.
“The other part of it is multi-family, which will be townhomes, and there will be lots of three or four townhomes,” said Carnegie. “I think there is a total of 29 units there.”
That section will have an amenity area as well. He said it will feature a pool and a playground area for residents.
“This will not be (a gated community), and the main entrance will be off White Oaks Boulevard,” said Carnegie.
The subdivided lot is in clear view of Interstate 79. The lot is being subdivided from the top part of the ones recently graded for the future home of Jenkins Subaru and Jenkins Hyundai.
Carnegie, who said with infrastructure and construction the project would exceed $5 million but did not have an exact estimate, told Commission members the hope is to begin construction this fall at the latest, but hopefully by summer.
Community Development Director Andrea Kerr and City Clerk Lauren Rogers said the next steps will be taken in the weeks ahead, and into next month. The subdivision of the big lot of 11.48 acres into smaller lots Monday was a preliminary approval.
Final approval will need to be given at the next Planning Commission meeting. Kerr and Rogers said that won’t happen until May 6, which is the regularly scheduled date. The reason for that is that the matter has to be legally advertised in advance of the required public hearing for 15 business days.
Council will also have to sign off on the rezoning. That could take place at the April 22 meeting.
Another step would be to appear in front of the Bridgeport Board of Zoning Appeals. That board would need to sign off on a handful of variances involved in the project.
Editor's Note: Community Development Director Andrea Kerr goes over the plat for the new development, while Thrasher's Marcus Carnegie is shown in the second photo after answering questions. Bottom photo show Commission members Robert "Bob" Greer, left, and Doug Gray going over the plat during the meeting.

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