
STRONG IDEA: Sick or Thirsty?

By Emily Stapleton on September 09, 2013 via

Drinking water is one of the simplest things we can do to improve overall wellness.  Back in April I wrote a post all about drinking more water as the first step to better eating habits.  If you’ve ever been a part of one of my STRONG workouts, you know that I’m a huge proponent of water and staying hydrated.
In my never-ending quest to get others to drink more water and to understand the benefits of water consumption, I’ve decided to read a book: “You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty.”  Click here to learn more about the book or to buy your own copy.  From what I’ve learned by just reading the introduction, the author (F. Batmanghelidj) claims that staying properly hydrated can prevent many diseases.  I’m talking asthma, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, and more.  His claim is that most of us are walking around chronically dehydrated.  He makes some pretty bold claims.
So…here’s the plan.  I’m going to read the book and review it in a future blog.  I’ll summarized the content and give my own two cents.  If you’re interested in, or skeptical of, the claims made by this author you have two choices:
1.    Read the book yourself.  If you choose this option, please let me know your thoughts and feelings after you finish.
2.    Come back here and read the future post for my summary and review.  (I blog every Monday, so keep checking back on Mondays…you might come across some other interesting content in the mean time).
To keep things interesting, here are my initial opinions on water and hydration, before reading the book:
  • Drinking water is one of the simplest things we can do to improve wellness…yah, I know I already said that one.
  • Most people don’t drink enough pure water…myself included.
  • Most kids don’t drink enough water throughout the day.  I try so hard to get my little ones to drink water, but they often come home from school with their water bottles still full.  Ugh.
  • Coffee, soda, and other non-water beverages often take the place of water.  I’m so guilty of this one.
  • Staying hydrated leads to more energy and a more efficient metabolism.  I know this to be true from personal experience.
  • Water CANNOT take the place of modern medicine.
  • Even if water were the only beverage in the world (we somehow eliminated all coffee, soda, juice, etc.), we would still have disease.
Based on the above assumptions, you can see I’m a little skeptical of this book.  As a minimalist, I would love for the answer to all of our health problems to be so simple – just drink water.  But I’m having a hard time believing the solution could be so easy.  So…come back to see if the author is able to convince me that water really can save us all.
Regardless of the outcome, one thing’s for certain; drinking water can’t hurt.  Drink up!
Until Next Week,
Emily Stapleton

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