Warm Weather Means Bear Sightings in Bridgeport as What Looks to be a Cub Spotted on Platinum Drive
By Jeff Toquinto on May 15, 2024 via Connect-Bridgeport.com
It is that time of the year again. And although we are not talking about warmer weather, it is the result of warmer weather.
A bear sighting took place in Bridgeport on Tuesday in an area that has seen individuals report bears in the past. According to Harold Hayes,
a co-worker spotted and photographed the bear shown in the photo with this article.

The sighting took place around 3:30 p.m. The mother bear was not spotted.
Hayes, who works at MVB Financial Corp. along Platinum Drive, said he was told the bear was small in nature, which may mean the mother bear was possibly nearby. The bear was spotted on Platinum Drive and is shown here in the area behind the former Division of Motor Vehicles building that was located in Bridgeport.
With Platinum Drive being near several heavily wooded sections, the area, along with Route 58 and areas near Deegan and Hinkle Lakes, have been home to numerous bear sightings over the years. Many are making an annual trek, and some make efforts to locate food during their travels.
The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources offers multiple tips when seeing a bear. They will let you know to never approach a bear and never feed a bear. Also, to help to reduce the chance of the bear or bears returning, the WVDNR advises to not leave out food. Securing garbage areas, such as dumpsters, is also important.