Off the Shelf: Spookiest Month of the Year to Feature Over 50 Programs for All Ages at Bridgeport's Library
By Savanna Draper on September 27, 2023 from Off the Shelf via
We are offering over 50 programs and events for children, teens, adults, and families for the spookiest month of the year! We are debuting several new programs this month, as well as continuing to offer recurring favorites.Our biggest event this month is our Community-Wide Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday, October 14 from 3-6pm. We will be hosting this event in our rear parking lot and all ages are invited. This year over 10 businesses and community organizations will be hosting trunks! It’s a busy month at the library, so come check us out!
Children, teens, and families have several programs to look forward to this month! We continue to host Chess Club every Tuesday at 3pm and All-Ages Storytime every Wednesday at 12pm. A new program, Library Ramble, will meet at City Park every Thursday at 3pm to take a stroll and chat. This program is perfect for all ages, children through adults. You are welcome to bring your favorite audiobook or music to listen to. We will be showing Monster House for Family Movie Night on October 6 at 5pm. Popcorn and drinks will be provided. Join us for "Switch" It Up on October 7 at 11am and then stick around for Building Club at 12pm. We will be offering an art activity at Creativity Corner on October 9 at 4pm. If your child is interested in coding, bring them to Code Quest on October 16 at 4pm. We will be hosting a local author for Finding Fall with Colleen Driscoll October 18 at 1pm. Come check out our 3D pens at 3D Doodles on October 18 at 3pm. Due to popular demand, another session of 3D Doodles is offered later in the month.
Adults are in for a treat this month as well! We continue to offer Tea & Talk, our PBS Masterpiece Theater discussion group every Monday at 1pm and our handicraft group Hooks & Needles every Wednesday at 11am. Both of these groups are always accepting new members! Join us for our monthly writing group, The Write Connection, on October 3 at 5:30pm. We will be needle felting Mothman on October 5 at 4pm.
Our technology class, Tech Savvy, will be held twice this month. Once on October 11 at 1pm for an overview on email and cloud storage, and then again on October 25 at 1pm to discuss video conferencing. Our monthly painting program, Brush Hour, will meet on October 16 at 5:30pm. Brush up on your Sign Language skills at Signing Made Easy on October 17 at 5pm. This program is geared towards all ages.
The West Virginia Small Business Development Center will be offering another Business Fundamentals class on October 18 at 5pm. We will be breaking out the Cricut makers for Cricut Crafts: Monogram Pumpkin on October 23 at 5pm. We will have a matinee showing of The Addams Family (1991) on October 24 at 1pm. Popcorn and drinks will be provided. Visit our Genealogy Roundtable on October 25 at 5pm to discover your roots. Our Friends of the Library group is hosting a Murder Mystery Night on October 26 at 6pm. Spots are limited! Our cross-stitching group, Stabby Stitches, will be stitching a black cat on October 27 at 3:30pm. If you are interested in learning coding or want to brush off your skills, plan to attend Coding for Adults where we will be learning Python on October 27 at 5:30pm.
Please visit our website at to view and register for these programs and more.