
Repairs Completed on Pair of Bridgeport City Pool's Most Popular Features

By Jeff Toquinto on July 16, 2014 via

For those who haven’t been to the City of Bridgeport’s Municipal Pool since Saturday due to a few items being shut down there’s no reason not to come back. Repairs to a pair of popular features have been made and are back open to the public, Parks and Recreation Director Don Burton said.
According to Burton, both the high dive and the water slide features at City Pool were closed. The water slide was reopened shortly after it was shut down, but the high dive wasn’t reopened until Tuesday.
“There are two really large bolts that hold the diving board onto the frame and one of the bolts broke,” said Burton. “That made us shut that down.”
While it may seem like an easy fix, the real issue was that the bolts aren’t readily available. Burton said they had to be special ordered.
“The type of bolt needed you just can’t get in a regular hardware store so we placed the order,” said Burton. “We got them and made the fix (yesterday) morning.”
As for the slide, it was back up and running on Monday. Burton said where the metal of the slide attaches to the frame where those utilizing the slide stand before going down the tube, broke. Because of that, the slide had to be shut down.
Burton said his staff opted to make the platform even better beyond the repair. The still relatively new Trex decking, a wood alternative that doesn’t splinter, was put on the top main frame of the standing platform.
“The surface there is really secured now as the Trex has helped reinforce it,” said Burton.
Editor's Note: Top photo shows Shane Huff putting the finishing touches on high drive repairs Tuesday morning, while the bottom photo shows Don Burton pointing to the area that led to the closure of the pool's slide through Monday.

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