
Bridgeport Road Warriors Running Club to Make Local Comeback; Group to be Part of Health Initiative

By Jeff Toquinto on February 08, 2017 via

The Bridgeport Road Warriors, a local running club, is back, according to BHS track and cross country Coach Jon Griffith.
“It has been a long time coming, but the time is right to bring back the Bridgeport Road Warriors running club. Healthy Harrison in conjunction with (United Hospital Center) and WVU Hospitals is committed to improving health and lifestyles in Harrison County. To that end, the Healthy Harrison organization will be spearheading efforts to promote fitness for our citizens. As I understand it, two of those efforts will be huge for the Bridgeport Warriors,” said Griffith.
One of the efforts involves the development of running clubs across Harrison County. In Griffith’s recent meeting with members of the Healthy Harrison group, he said that the Bridgeport Road Warriors could serve as a model and inspiration for developing other running groups in Harrison County.
To help accomplish this and the resurrection of the Road Warriors, Griffith is planning a meeting Saturday, Feb. 18 at 10 a.m. in the BHS Cafeteria. At that meeting, the organization will be set, officers elected and meeting dates for the club established.
“We will need to find a few motivated, organized and committed individuals to serve as officers to help keep the club on track and growing. I will offer as much assistance as I can to the officers to get things started in the right direction,” said Griffith. “I am willing to continue maintaining the online presence for the club.”
Griffith said his role will be limited beyond that. He won’t serve as an officer due to responsibilities with the high schools sports programs he coaches.
“We will also be looking for a few corporate sponsors as well to assist with the club. Sponsors could help subsidize a variety of things for the club and its members including, but not limited to entry fees for kids to local races, jerseys for the club members, awards for club achievements, and more,” he said.
The second effort involves creating a road-trail running series in Harrison County. Utilizing current races in Harrison County, individuals and community teams and clubs would compete for honors across the race series. As of this date, the criteria for competitions has yet to be determined.
“I am hoping for not only time competition, but attendance numbers competitions as well,” said Griffith.
In order for this to be successful for both Bridgeport and all of Harrison County, Griffith said it’s critical the group meets, get organized and recruits members from the Bridgeport community and beyond.
So who is it for?
“This is for beginners through seasoned runners. The mission of the Bridgeport Road Warriors is still to be an inclusive group for any and all residents of Bridgeport who enjoy walking, want to start running, or those who already run road and trail races,” he said. “From recreational walking to competitive road racing, we promote healthy exercise and a community of support as you strive to meet your fitness or competition goals.”
As was the case in the past, the group will have ways for individuals to pick the brains of experienced runners. Those runners will provide answers to training questions, help find partners or groups and help solve any other issues you may have or general inquiries.

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