
ToquiNotes: The Most Popular Staff Member in City's School System is New and Proud Father to Octuplets

By Jeff Toquinto on June 19, 2021 from ToquiNotes via

With no disrespect to any of the other staff members at Bridgeport High School, the most popular member of the school’s personnel roster is officially a proud father. While that is not necessarily news, the fact he is the father to octuplets is indeed a rarity for most members of any school system locally or nationwide.
I guess it should be noted being a father to octuplets is not necessarily a rare thing if you happen to be named Connor and are the therapy dog at BHS and all the schools in the Bridgeport system. Still, Connor being a new dad is in fact big news.
“There was a lot of excitement from the kids that follow Connor on his Instagram page and there has been a lot of positive comments from that and on other social media,” said Bridgeport School Resource Officer Jamie Hamrick, who happens to be the proud grandmother along with her husband John to a new batch of Golden Retriever grand pups.”
Who is Connor’s partner in the creation of eight little pups whose eyes are still closed? That would be his companion, Chloe.
Many people know Connor, and how he became a therapy dog through Hamrick’s involvement as a member of the Bridgeport Police Department. What they may not know is how Connor ended up with the Hamrick family in Bridgeport about five years ago on a Fourth of July weekend.
It seems Connor, like many dogs, like to wander from his home. And like many dogs, was a little bit afraid of the fireworks that come with the Independence Day holiday. Those combined for an appearance at the Hamrick household.
Hamrick went to social media hoping to find his owners. While it worked, she found out Connor like to wander and offered to purchase him. From there, a beautiful relationship with the Hamrick family, the school system and the entire community was set in motion.
As for the babies that are now part of the extended Hamrick family, that first step took place a year and a half ago. John Hamrick purchased her from a breeder in Ohio and, in short order, the two were a couple.
“They hit it off pretty well. I never had Golden Retriever before Connor, but their nature and the fact they’re so easy going led me to believe it would not be an issue,” said Hamrick. “I think if someone broke into the house, they’d probably offer them a sandwich and show them where we keep all the good stuff.”
The good stuff that is new are the eight babies. Late last Sunday and into Monday morning, Chloe began to give birth. Hamrick’s daughter-in-law, Miranda Hamrick, happens to live next door and is in nursing school provided a big assist.
“I’m glad she was there. As for the timing, you can always expect it to be the wee hours of the morning,” Hamrick said.
The late hours may have been slightly concerning, but Hamrick said there was a bit of concern how Connor would react. Not because of any issues beyond his usual gentle demeanor, but both Connor and Chloe had to be accepting.
As some may have guessed, that, too, has gone well.
“He took really well to the babies, and we did wait a bit because we know new moms can be protective,” said Hamrick. “When Connor went it, he started wagging his tail, nuzzled Chloe’s nose, and all was well. We still don’t leave them alone, just to be on the safe side, but we think all is going to be fine.”
Along with all the positive comments there have also been plenty of people wanting to acquire one of the pups. Hamrick said all of them are spoken for and even between now and August, when they will go to those who already planned, there probably will not be a free pup. The reason, even if someone backs out, there is a waiting list.
“There was a list and plenty of others in reserve,” said Hamrick.
What that means is that after August, the babies will be in other hands so enjoy them via social media while you can. As for Connor, he will still be around and should be back in school the same month.
The good news?
There is an outside chance Chloe could join him. Hamrick said Chloe is also certified for therapy work, but discussions relating to being added to the city’s insurance and other hurdles stopped. And it had nothing to do with the pandemic.
“There was no need to rush the issue because we knew she was pregnant,” said Hamrick. “We’ll see how things turn out.”
At worst, Connor remains the most popular staff member in the Bridgeport School system. At best, he probably will end up tied with the one who just happens to be the mother to his babies.
Editor's Note: Top two photos shows Connor and Chloe with their new pups, while the pair pose below when they let the public in on their future family. Photos courtesy of Jamie Hamrick.

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