
Strong Ideas: This Week's Word Is Hydrate

By Emily Stapleton on January 14, 2013 from Strong Ideas via

This week’s STRONGIDEA is hydrate. Staying hydrated is one of the simplest and easiest things you can do for your health. Read on for the why, the how, and the when of hydration.


Our bodies are made up of approximately 60 percent water (you know the saying: You are what you eat!).  We lose large amounts of fluid every day through sweat, urine, breathing and other bodily functions. Those fluids have to be replaced in order to maintain a balance of body fluids and to insure that our major body systems function properly. To be more specific, our kidneys do an excellent job of ridding our bodies of toxins, as long as the proper amount of fluid is available. In addition, bowel function works properly and constipation is avoided if proper hydration is maintained (as a mother of three, I’m just going to say it:  You have to poop to stay healthy).
In order to lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight, hydration is essential!  In addition to assisting in our bodily functions, such as digestion and waste excretion, proper fluid intake helps to energize muscles during exercise and daily activity.


OK, so we are all in agreement that hydration is the first step to a healthy body, so how do we do it?  There is an ongoing question of how much water consumption is normal and healthy. There is the old recommendation: Eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day. This one is still good, but some research has gone further. The Institute of Medicine recommends approximately 3 liters (13 cups) for men and 2.2 liters (9 cups) for women.  An even more specific recommendation says to take your body weight in pounds and divide by two and that is the number of ounces of water needed daily. Some good news in recent research is that our bodies can derive some of its fluid needs from non-water beverages and certain foods.  Read on for more advice on what to drink for proper hydration.


The short answer to this is now.  Start working on proper hydration now.  Most experts agree that the beverage of choice for proper hydration is water: Pure, plain, natural water. Drinking water helps control calories and aid in weight loss, as other beverages all contain some level of calories and/or chemicals.  So, my recommendation is to drink mostly water, while occasionally consuming another type of beverage (juice, coffee, soda) if you want.  Here are some simple tips to consume the proper amount of water each day:
•Drink a full glass of water (8 – 16 oz.) when you brush your teeth in the morning and again in the evening (starting your day this way will set you up for healthy choices all day!)

•Drink water before and during meals and snacks (drinking water before a meal, has been shown to decrease the total calories consumed)

•Keep a bottle of water in your car to sip while driving (most of us spend a significant amount of time driving ourselves and our kids to and fro)

•Drink pure water while exercising (you don’t need sports drinks unless you will be exercising for more than 60 minutes)

•Always drink a glass of water between non-water beverages (For example: Drink a glass of water before that second cup of coffee)

So, in conclusion, let’s again keep this simple (KISS).  Drink pure water throughout the day.  Pick one of the above recommendations regarding how much to drink - and follow it.  Maintaining proper hydration is probably the single most important step you can take toward a healthy body.  Aren’t you glad it’s also one of the simplest?

Until next week,

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