
Sweat & Smiles: Changing Way You Think, Hustle and Way You Live All Part of Being a Healthier You

By Melissa Romano on October 29, 2016 from Sweat & Smiles via

I decided to update my logo and I wanted to talk about it because both the old logo and the new logo are very important to me. Five (-ish) years ago I decided on the original You First logo and the tagline has always read ‘You want. You hustle. You succeed.’
I am an observer and researcher by nature (not sure if my History Degree gave that away?) and what I’ve found is - I have a problem with hustling. The problem I have is we are hustling and hustling and not succeeding. I see people who do not stop hustling all day and still end the day feeling unfilled. I watch people who are insanely busy and end the day feeling like they didn’t get enough done. I’m guilty of it too. So I decided to make a change. I’m changing the way I hustle and I think you should, too.
The updated You First logo simply reads: better. happier. healthier. I want you to hustle better, it’s not about quantity it’s about quality.
You don’t have to spend two hours in the gym when you can work effectively in 40 minutes and you don’t have to workout six days a week, you may be able to get the work in with four. If you do not start hustling better you are going to keep setting yourself up for failure or burnout.
I want you to hustle happier, this means that you are going to have to hustle for YOU. Whatever it is, whatever you’re working on you have going to have to leave time to hustle for you. If you start hustling for things that make you happy it will start feeling a lot more like living and a lot less like work. And most importantly I want you to hustle healthier. Don’t workout because you hate your body, workout because you want to take good care of your body so that it will in turn take good care of you! 
I get it, change is hard, but I know you can do it. Spend some time today thinking about places where you can hustle better. Ask yourself, what am I spending the most time on? Is that still fulfilling? Are you still seeing the results you’re looking for? Then I want you to spend a couple days thinking about what you ENJOY. These things that take up most of your energy, are they bringing you joy? Lastly, have you turned the word “healthy” into an anxiety-inducing, restrictive concept?
Being healthier starts with your thinking. Changing your mindset surrounding health is going to be the most empowering piece of your journey. Being better, happier and healthier does not start by changing your environment or any other external factor - it all starts within you. Change the way you think, change the way you hustle, change the way you live. 
Sweat & Smiles,

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