Harrison County 4-H Members Compete in WV Beef Expo Stockman’s Contest
By Connect-Bridgeport Staff on April 18, 2024
Submitted by WVU Extension
Six Harrison County 4-H members competed in the West Virginia Beef Expo Stockman’s Contest on Friday, April 12. Despite the cold, damp weather, the members brought home several awards.
In the junior division (9-14 years old), Jade McCray finished 24th, Seneca Deaton was 6th, and Adalena McCray was the top individual in the junior division. Hallie Deaton also competed as a junior. The junior team of Jade and Adalena McCray and Seneca and Hallie Deaton were awarded second place junior team.
In the senior division (14-18 years old), Carver Deaton was 30th place and Cruz Carrasquillo also competed. There were 250 individuals competing in the contest.
During the Stockman’s Contest, participants identified retail cuts of meat, plants, breeds of beef, sheep, swine, and goats, completed a Quality Assurance station, and were tested on beef industry knowledge. They also placed three classes of cattle based on conformation, and grade feeder cattle.
The Harrison County 4-H Stockman’s team was coached by Jennifer Friend, West Virginia University Harrison County Extension Agent. The team and their coach would like to thank the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture & History. and Farm Credit of the Virginias for sponsoring the monetary awards and plaques for the Beef Expo Stockman’s Contest.
If you or a youth you know are interested in learning more about the livestock industry or agriculture, contact the WVU Harrison County Extension Office at 304-624-8650 or email Jennifer Friend at jefriend@mail.wvu.edu .
Editor’s Note: Pictured in submitted photo: The junior team (pictured left to right: Coach: Jennifer Friend, Hallie Deaton, Adalena McCray, Seneca Deaton, not pictured: Jade McCray) finished in 2nd place. Carver Deaton, also pictured, finished 30th in the senior division
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