Clayton Rice Files to Run for City of Bridgeport Mayor
By Connect-Bridgeport Staff on January 16, 2025
Bridgeport City Council member Clayton Rice has become the second individual to enter his name to run for the position of mayor.
The election is June 10, 2025. The election is for the position of mayor and three seats on Council.
On Wednesday, Rice filed for the four-year term of mayor. Current Mayor Andy Lang, who is finishing up his second term, cannot run for a third due to a city statute.
"I want to serve as Mayor because I have a deep love for the city, have a passion to serve and have an extensive business and financial background that enables me to help work with the city council, city manager and department managers through annual fiscal spending, along with complex budget decisions and planning as the City continues to grow.," said Rice. "During my Mayoral term I would like to focus on the continued downtown business sector revitalization, that may include business incentives and ordinance proposals. Also, continued focus on The Bridge expansion is critical as the city leaders determine the best path for capital expenditure spending to benefit local youth sports balanced with programming opportunities. Lastly, never taking my eye off identifying infrastructure improvement opportunities for our original older residential neighborhoods."
Rice, a banker and businessman, is essentially a lifelong resident of Bridgeport. The 1983 Bridgeport High School graduate’s only time away from the city was when he left for college in 1983 and a brief period in Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia, working in the banking industry.
The 60-year-old is currently part of the corporate banking division with First Exchange Bank in White Hall. He also has plenty of business endeavors in the area.
Along with a partner, he owns the four locations of Bridgeport Storage – Charles Pointe, Virginia Avenue, one by Reep Graphics, and a site behind Main Street Station. He also owns Lakeside Place Apartments. Along with 28 years of banking experience, he has been a business owner in the city going back to 2000. He owned and operated Ryan Energy Services for 11 years as well, until selling it in 2022.
Rice is past president of the Harrison County Chamber of Commerce, a past member of the West Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, and a past board member of the West Virginia Bankers Association. He currently serves on The Bridge Advisory Committee.
Rice and his wife Jill are the parents to three children. Alex, Paige, and Adam Bentz.
Along with the seat of mayor being up, the seats of Council members Jon Griffith, John Wilson, and Jason Campbell are also up.
Filing fee to run is $25 and due at the time of filing. The filing period began Monday, Jan. 13. Candidates have until 4 p.m. on March 10 to file, which is 90 days from the start of the filing period.
Additional information on filing requirements and procedures, absentee voting procedures, and other information can be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office. Individuals looking to become poll workers can also contact the City Clerk’s Office. City Clerk Lauren Rogers can be reached at 304-842-8235 or via email at
Information on the election can also be found at the city’s Website by clicking HERE.
Editor's Note: Candidates filing for office can inform City Clerk Lauren Rogers to provide a phone number to and you will be contacted. Candidate stories will be done in the order in which they were filed if able to be be contacted.
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