Graduating Summa Cum Laude from Fairmont State with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Kelly Humphreys, MD went on to earn her Doctor of Medicine from West Virginia University School of Medicine. She took her OB-GYN residency at Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC), where she trained in high-risk obstetrics, general gynecology, in-office procedures, and robotic surgery.
She was CAMC Outstanding Resident of the Year and also was a nominee for the Patricia Fedeles award, which is given to medical students who portray ongoing compassion, friendliness, and an overall caring attitude. She was a member of Rural Track Student, a WVU program designed to train future physicians who want to remain in West Virginia; she participated in rural externships in Fairmont and Bridgeport through the Rural Track program. Dr. Humphreyswas also a participant in the West Virginia AHECK Rural Community Health Scholars where students supplemented their education through clinical and community-based experiences. She most recently was the recipient of the CAMC “Good Hands” and Minimally Invasive Surgery award.
In addition to her educational experience, she found time to participate in a number of community services including Manna Meal and Project CHASM, a blood pressure outreach program for the homeless; Habitat for Humanity; and was a co-founder of K.N.I.T. (Kanawha County Newborn and Infant Topper (knit hat) Project.
Dr. Humphreys was raised in the small community of Plum Run, WV. She is joining the WVU Obstetrics & Gynecology practice located at United Hospital Center, 327 Medical Park Drive, 4th floor East, Bridgeport. For more information. please visit or call 304.848.2150.
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