The Associated Businesses of Bridgeport and the City of Bridgeport announce that the 19th annual Light Up Night will be held Thursday, Nov. 30 on Main Street. The streets will be closed for an evening of holiday festivities, including the anticipated lighting of the city tree.
“We are thrilled to host this event which so many people look forward to each year,” said ABB President Jaclyn Rominger. “All of the usual activities and entertainers are planned, plus a few surprises leading into our 20th anniversary year coming in 2024.”
ABB member businesses will set up tents, offering free refreshments and trinket gifts. Confirmed street entertainers include Josh Oldaker, Benjamin DeFazio, and Greg Harrison. The Bridgeport High School Jazz Band and Dance Team will perform in the Civic Center vicinity and the Bridgeport Middle School Danceline, Studio 9 Dance Academy, and Bridgeport ATA Martial Arts will perform at Center and Main streets.
Middleville Baptist Church youth will present a live nativity, a sampling of the large-scale display coming to their church later in December.
Following holiday tunes by the BHS Jazz Band and recognition of this year’s Main Street Scarecrow Contest winners Ford Funeral Home (popular vote) and Bridgeport Parks & Recreation (judges’ choice), business sponsors will be introduced. The 2022 Light Up Our City winner Monte Small will also be recognized.
As is tradition, the combined elementary choirs of Simpson, Johnson and Heritage Christian schools will sing just prior to the 7 p.m. tree-lighting ceremony. Father Walt Jagela will provide the invocation, followed by a moment of silence for world peace. About 1,000 battery-powered candles, courtesy of Expressions of Love, will be distributed to attendees.Bridgeport Boy Scout Troop 40 will lead the Pledge of Allegience.
Master of ceremonies will be Dr. Mark Povroznik, who will introduce this year’s tree lighters and facilitate the countdown. The tree lighting will be followed by a fireworks display – the combination always proving to be magical for all in attendance.
Since it first began in 2005, Light Up Night has evolved into one of the most treasured events in the city's history.
"The original idea behind Light Up Night was strictly an opportunty for ABB member businesses to give back to the community they served and to usher in the Christmas season," said Doug Marquette, who has served the ABB board since its inception. "For 19 seasons, we have held firm to that vision and the community has adopted it. We are at a point that nine-year-olds that sang in the school choirs for that first Light Up Night are now bringing their own children to the event."
Marquette said it is an honor for the ABB to have begun and hosted an event that has brought so much joy to the community.
"Nothing happens without the help of the City of Bridgeport, and foremost, the generosity of ABB member businesses that give of their time and money to give back to the community," he said.
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