This week’s Bridgeport City Face is Janet (Fishbaugh) Cunningham. Meet her here!
How long have you lived in Bridgeport? I’ve lived here my entire life, except when I was in college. My family was here many years before I was born.
Tell me about your family … I am married to Pat Cunningham who works at Central Supply Company. Our children are Daniel, who works for Harrison County Board of Education and Emily, who works at Central Supply Company. We are very proud of both. Our three grandchildren are Aiden (13), Brooklynn (11) and Emerson (5.)
What about pets? We have a very low-key dog named Gertie.
Where do you work and what do you do there? I have worked at WV Veterans Nursing Facility as a social worker for 37 years.
What are some of your best Bridgeport memories? My great memories of Bridgeport include the Fireman's Fair and downtown Bridgeport - the Place of Fashion, Pure Food store Alkires, etc.
What do you like most about Bridgeport?
I love Bridgeport for the strong sense of community and great family involvement. It is a great place to raise children.
What is your favorite spot outside of Bridgeport? Outside of WV?
Our other favorite WV place is Burnsville and out of state it is Hatteras.
What are your favorite past times I enjoy camping, fishing and spending time with family.
I also collect glass paperweights, especially West Virginia-made.
What are your favorite restaurants?
My favorite restaurants are Twin Oaks and Mia Margherita.
What are your best childhood memories?
My best childhood memories are playing with neighborhood kids (Susan, Patsy, Carla and Mindy) and being called to come home at dark time. I also remember the loud fire siren that was in the field near the United Methodist church. It would go off every Thursday around 7 p.m. for a test.
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