From the time Wreaths Across America Team Bridgeport was formed in 2016, the goal was to cover every veteran’s grave at Bridgeport Cemetery with a Christmas-time wreath. Two years later, that goal was met as local individuals and organizations stepped up to help Team Bridgeport purchase 1,575 wreaths.
The support has been ongoing. This year, 1,675 wreaths will be arriving in town next week and will be placed on graves on Saturday, Dec. 14 during the annual ceremony at Bridgeport Cemetery.
“The ceremony starts at noon sharp with Jimmy Gemondo of Burnside Funeral Home serving as emcee,” said Christa Parker, who heads up Team Bridgeport with the assistance of Tricia Bombardaire. “Boy Scouts Troop 40 will be leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Ava Fazalare – and possibly Emma Guthall – will be singing for us.”
National Guard soldiers from throughout the state will be presenting the wreaths to the families.
In addition to wreaths purchased by locals, Team Bridgeport also fundraises to buy additional wreaths.
“Tricia and I can’t say thank-you enough to the community, to our friends and family for helping us hoor every veteran once again,” Parker said.
Prior to Saturday’s 12 p.m. ceremony, there will be a grave specific check-in.
“This is to make sure we don’t leave off any veteran’s name to be called during the ceremony. This check-in is for the families that have donated and want to place their veteran’s wreath,” Parker said.
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