Bridgeport Fire Department responded to a call dispatched via Harrison County Bureau of Emergency Services for a truck fire on Benedum Drive. The call went out just before 10:30 a.m. and involved a working vehicle fire at Mountain State Auto Auction.
“They don’t know how – but the engine in the truck caught fire,” said Bridgeport Fire Captain Scott Wilburn. “I would say a short in the wiring caused it.”
The truck, a Dodge pick-up, had been located for some time at Mountain State Auto Auction, where it was to be auctioned for sale.
The vehicle was locked and keys were in the ignition, Wilburn said.
By the time Bridgeport Fire Department arrived, individuals at the business had used fire extinguishers and had put out most of the flames.
“We just finished it off,” Wilburn said.
No other vehicles were damaged and no one was injured. The Ford, however, was demolished.
Editor's Note: Pictured right is Mountain State Auto Auction, located on Benedum Drive, just off Interstate 79, just north of Bridgeport.
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