All or portions of 22 roadways in Bridgeport’s municipal limits are likely to be part of the city’s annual milling and asphalt paving project. Although bid estimates are not available, the city spends into the six figures easily on the annual paving project.
While the project will likely begin after spring, the first steps toward choosing a contractor will begin today. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will take place at the Bridgeport Municipal Complex at 10 a.m.
Bids are due at 10 a.m., Monday, March 30. Once the deadline arrives, the bids will be read publicly inside City Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. Barring all bids coming in higher than anticipated, the lowest qualified bidder will be awarded the project. After a qualified low bid is determined, it will then be sent to City Council for approval at a future meeting.
The largest of the paving projects involves paving of 4,700 feet of Genesis Boulevard, a portion of which will also be milled. Genesis Boulevard it he primary roadway through the main part of the Charles Pointe development.
That makes up more than 25 percent of the 19,444 linear feet of roadway set to be part of the project. City of Bridgeport Associate Engineer Jacob Griffith says that comes to 3.68 miles.
The rest of the streets, with the exception of the alley paving on East Olive, will see milling. The rest of the list of streets beyond Genesis Boulevard and the aforementioned alley include:
Layman Court; Willow Lane (East Street to Woodland Drive); Front Street (from Pennsylvania Avenue to Lawman Avenue); Rebecca Road, LeeAnn Lane; Briarwood Road; Wakefield Street (from 6 Wakefield Street to Johnson Avenue); Faris Avenue (from Water Street to Watson Street); Breezewood Court; Chatham Way; Watson Street, Oakdale Avenue, Wiseman Street (from Johnson Avenue to Johnson Avenue); Conifer Drive (from Hinkle Lake Road to 14 Conifer Drive); Center Court; Deldew Drive; Stone Street (from Fourth Street to Liberty Avenue); Sussex Court; Windsor Drive (from seam on hill to the end); Coventry Court; Mesa Drive; and Zappia Drive.
The annual project is made possible by levy funds made available by voters in the city.
Editor's Note: Past paving work being done in the city is shown in the photo above.
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